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Everything posted by LolDoge

  1. What did you just say? Oh yeah you said "Oh great", just say something not that rude.
  2. Player 2: Assassins Creed came from religous people
  3. Rick: *I'd show them the peice of Eden* Believe me now?
  4. Ahh GOD! I CUT MY KNEE. I think I can handle the pain. :steve_rage:

  5. Rick: I took one the peices of Eden from a church, ever since, stuff like this have happend (hinting it was me)
  6. It's like, the time war again only less violent and more guitars.


  8. I name it Wallpaper Nameless because I don't know what to call it but here is the image Give a like if you like it!
  9. I can't use 1.0.0 because of my graphics card and I would rather export when its complete, if it is not complete I use bandicam.
  10. Rick: Ah, I see, you are a she, well again, thank you
  11. Rick: Thanks dude, I could have died right there Wierdo: ... Rick: Uhhh...
  12. Hi guys, now that I am making a test animation, I' like to know you how much progress I have done, it is not much because I only started today! Link: https://youtu.be/VwzVRAU8bZ0 Hope you guys enjoy!
  13. I've just sen only 1 tardis enterior better, but I say, you have outdone your self!
  14. Jack: *I'd load my pistol* Jack: *I'd scare Rune using my pistol* Jack: Ha ha ha (Laughter)
  15. Rick: I'm going to go outside *I leave the room* What? A rap battle? Rapping about our selves? I'm going to enter Rick: *I'd join the rap battle* Announcer: And now! Rick Cormac, VS, WALTER ZOOOOMMMMMBIE!!!!! BEGIN! Rick: I AM A BRITISH ASSASSIN, RATHER PROFICIENT IN FASHION, LOOK IN THE MIRRIOR, YEAH, THE IMAGE IS... I'M SENDING A TEMPLAR TO HELL, ON EVERY SINGLE RING OF BIG BENS BELL, I AM A BRITISH ASSASSIN, MY FAMILY WAS EXECUTED BUT I DON'T CRY ABOUT IT, I JUST HUNT DOWN THOSE WHO ORDED THE EXECUTION, I SEND A TEMPLAR UNTO THE GRAVE FOR EVERY SOOT GRAVES STAINED COBBLE WITH WHICH IS PAVED! Walter Zombie: Carl stay back, this is gonna get bad, Imma show this Assassin rat how to be a real dad, A grade MC who'll ruin your A-1 day, 'cause Sheriff Zombie's rhymes are dirty like my armpit stains, I'm a post apocalyptic cop who's got alot of issues, pop a cap in your and splatter the brain you misuse, cooking up blue sky and bigger lies for Skyler, hatching little schemes like a dying MacGyver, You got your family executd, sin by sin where I live it happens literally limb from limb, so write this own in your pancakes so you won't forget it, I kill monsters that are better men that you before breakfast Crowd: BOOOOO HES CHEATING, THIS WAS A RAP ABOUT OUR SELVES Guards: *Pulls him off* Rick: I guess I won
  16. Rick: Exactly why I hate endermen, stupid endermen, I'm like, Ezio, Altair, Connor, Edward, Arno,Jacob and Jack the ripper combine (Ezio, Altair, Connor, Edward, Anro and Jacob are assassins creed peeps.
  17. Rick: Come out coward! *The enderman shows him self* *I bang the floor with the Sword of Eden making the Enderman Fly across the room and breaking his bones*
  18. Rick: What the? *I'd unsheathe my sword* GET AWAY! PUNY ENDERMEN!
  19. Rick: *Somehow, what I am about say, thee Enderman will hear* I am Rick Cormac, I am an assassin, I was born in the Ender Kingdom, My family was executed in 1478, I am now out to get revenge of the templars, I am an assassin, and no one will get in my way.
  20. Rick: Not until you accept that you are weak, if you don't accept, you will feel the wraf OF GOD HIMSELF, THE ONE WHO MADE THIS SWORD!
  21. Rick: *I'd shoot the enderman with the sword of eden, see, puny, weak enderman.
  22. Rick: And I got the sword of Eden, much much powerful, more than your puny swords.
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