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Status Updates posted by Snowlee

  1. invisible airborne knife will get you

  2. sanik.ixee iz fa5test

  3. finally getting win 10 (`・ω・´)”

    1. Notorious TheRageMC
    2. Mike


      No! Don't do it! Anything beyond 7 and they can spy on you! Plus its just not as great. I'm using XP. So I'm safe.

    3. Notorious TheRageMC

      Notorious TheRageMC

      @Mlke Nah. That's just rumors.

  4. I can't play minecraft anymore. . .

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Snowlee


      how to set my computer to a previous time...

    3. Crow Robot

      Crow Robot

      did you make a backup?

    4. Notorious TheRageMC

      Notorious TheRageMC

      Skrub Anti Virus.

      Imma drink Mt. Dew, eat Doritos, grab my sniper, and do a 360 noscope to your anti virus.

  5. One zone left. Go into zone 5?

  6. >tfw gets visually appealed to a game and cant find it anywhere


    (off reference galoorreee~)

  8. tfw headphones break and then the other spare pairs are broken

    1. Mooshim


      Currently my headphones are heald together by tape and various wire loops. 

  9. The hard choice of leaving the friend who almost made me insane and losing all my friends due to lies or be friends with her, keep all friends but still go insane...

    1. ThatAnimatedGuy


      Well, If you don't want to go "Insane", then you should leave that friend of yours. If your other friends leave you because of that one decision, then does that really make them your "friends"?  Friends should understand and respect each others opinions. They should understand who "you" are rather than believe in lies. If you don't want to go insane, then that's your decision to make, and as a "friend" they should accept that. And if they do leave, there are always new people to meet. 

  10. (((\(@v@)/))) be happy

  11. why is chrome chromodo now why must you do this

  12. i was in a stream and someone ate a carolina reaper in the chat

  13. tumblr_nn1lnktgsD1r9a9keo2_540.png

    "j Ap An" blockerlocker 2015

  14. I can't stay up any longer, I'm about to pass out...

  15. >tfw you find out none of the people who are nice to you are not in any of your classes at all

    1. Ocelot


      It hurts at first, but I find it's easier to work and get things done that way.

  16. Dora HeavyMetal The Pyro: "Sniper No Sniping"

  17. Are our eyes deceiving us and reality is just our imagination projecting our thoughts and reality into our conscious plane? Are you real, am I real, is my life real?! ask.fm/SnowCakez btw ask away

  18. >tfw you have not had any ideas for making wallpapers or animations and if they are they are not possible or its 4am

  19. Update my Status

  20. vx3Uk29.png 

    best pic ever

  21. >tfw you end up going to dogpart against your will and it ends up that dogs hate you

  22. now my statuses are blue haha

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