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Posts posted by SpikeyTaco

  1. what I do when timing animation is set the tempo to 100 so that if I wanted something to happen at exactly 5.23 seconds I just go to frame 523 and so on


    I've been practising with this so far and it's working great, Takes a while and still includes a lot of trial and error but it ends with better results. Thanks, I suggest you post this in the tips and hints section as this is the first time I've heard of it and it works great!


    Thanks again, 


  2. what I do when timing animation is set the tempo to 100 so that if I wanted something to happen at exactly 5.23 seconds I just go to frame 523 and so on

    Now that's an Idea! I'll get to it right away, I may have to edit the beginning so It'll be in time but it'll save more time than trial and error. Thanks for your help!


    But if anyone else has any ideas please post them too. :D





    I will have to re-create what I've done so far but it'll probably save more time, Still annoying though...

  3. Latest version of Windows Movie Maker Is Like A MINIMUM if you want EXACT audio

    You've misunderstood my point, I have editing software and the audio prepared. It's the animation stage I am having problems with. While animating I can never time the animation to the speech or music correctly. What I was asking was during animating what techniques do you use when timing your animation to the audio.

  4. Hey guys,


    I've been having trouble timing music and pre-recorded speech to my animation, I can never get the facial rig to time perfectly or just simple head bobbing when wearing helmets. All I'm currently doing is attempting to play the audio while watching the animation back which so far has proven useless. What I'm asking is what techniques do you guys use when trying to time pre-recorded audio with your animation? e.g: Trying to play the audio at the same time while watching footage back, Saying the speech while animating etc.


    I'll be glad for any help, Please leave a response as soon as possible. Thanks,


  5. Hey Guys,


    Multiple times during moving objects using the 3D Axis, I've accidentally clicked the scenery or other item behind the object and moved it unintentionally. This usually would be a problem in other programs, But at this moment in time no undo feature has been added. What I am suggesting is adding a lock layer setting on the timeline next to the visibility icon, Much like what has been done on many other editing software that uses layers.



    I hope you take my suggestion into consideration.





    Solution Found:

    It's already in the program: (uncheck click to select and now you can''t accidentally move it)


    As all I did was actually miss the feature I would like to change my suggestion, David had been posting how V.1 will become more user friendly and this small feature change may help. I would like to ask if a small padlock icon, that changes the locked/unlocked could be added on the timeline next to the visibility icon to make the feature easier to find and use.
    Thanks again and please excuse my mistake,
  6. The link you sent goes to a forum post of someone trying to limit the program's resource usage, What I'm trying to do is raise the resource usage so the application can use more of my PC's power to render the video and keep the world smooth, When I import large or many schematics this causes even camera movement to be buggy and make jolted movements, This would also help with schematic size and would mean I could upload schematics of any size.


    Just making the small piece of code available for me/anyone to edit means stronger PCs will use the program to it's maximum potential.

  7. Some people believe the program is slow because of it's CPU/RAM usage, But this is mainly due to the amount of CPU power the program is actually allowed to use.



    For Example:

    Say the program is set to use 2GHz and 2gb of RAM.


    If the program is running on a PC with a 3Ghz CPU and 3gb of RAM, The program will run fine and use a reasonable amount of resources.


    But if the program is running on a PC with high specifications, Quad Core 4Ghz and 16gb of RAM, The program uses a very low amount of resources but still runs at the same speed of the lower spec PC.





    My PC has very high specifications because it's a gaming PC and I ran the application on my old PC only to realise it's the exact same speed as it is on my current one. Quite a few applications have this problem but all it requires is a small change in the code to make it use a different amount of resources, Either just telling the users where this option is or making it so we can change it in the application would be great. This would enable the program to run faster and smoother on higher specifications PCs and made rendering a lot faster too.





    P.S: and if this was already discovered how, Please tell me below thanks. :)

  8. In that case, I'll have to agree with The Amazing Frossa, Lip sync is with trial and error :\

    Okay :/

    Thanks anyway. :)





    But if anybody else has any techniques they know or use please post them! :)

  9. I've looked at that before, It's helped amazingly with frame rate but not with audio line up. I want to line up facial movement with the audio, I try to play the audio while watching it but it makes it hard for the facial rigs to be accurate.

  10. I'm making an animation with a facial rig so I can set the character to lip sync to a pre-recorded voice. But with the current version of the software, audio importing is impossible. I do know you have to add the audio after in video editing software but that means I can't play the audio at the same time while animating. I can't get the voice and the facial rig to line up properly.


    What I'm asking is:

    How can I time voice audio to the video while animating?


    Obviously you can't get it to be exact but what techniques do you use while animating video to audio?



    Thanks in advance,


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