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Everything posted by GamerMitch

  1. HEROBRINES MANSION https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WL1YY2hb7vI Storyline: Herobrine kidnaps Steves girlfriend/wife (which ever one you want it to be) but Herobrine leaves Steve a message. So Steve is forced to go on an adventure to find his loved one. But when Steve enters the house what he doesn't know is that Herobrine has planed this all along. And that Steve walked into one big, deadly trap. NOTE: This has/is nothing to do with Hypixels' Herobrines Mansion Map. The Mansion was built by me whereas the Cyan Building was built by Frossa in his Mineton City.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WL1YY2hb7vI Storyline: Herobrine kidnaps Steves girlfriend/wife (which ever one you want it to be) but Herobrine leaves Steve a message: Follow redstone torch ALONE So Steve goes on an adventure to find his loved one. But when Steve enters the house what he doesn't know is that Herobrine has planed this all along. And that Steve walked into one big, deadly trap.
  3. Hello there and after a bit of thinking I have kinda figured out a way that you can add explosions to Mine-Imator: So when you put in a schematic it should load (or if it does) every single block first and then group it all together as one big piece. So when you press this (new button probably called like 'Explosion Effect') button and select the radius; for example: 2 block radius or 5 block radius it creates it's very own timeline *. In this timeline it should scan (maybe) the blocks around the selected radius and discover if it is a 'Grass Block' or a 'Dirt Block' and then it will show up with these default plotted timelines for each of the scanned block. it will also ungroup all the scanned block/s from the actual schematic so you can move one without moving the other. For example if you did a radius of 1 block then if everything in the 1 block radius was 'Grass Block' It will use the default plotted timeline for each 'Grass Block' there is. So you might end up with 10 plotted timelines with the animation of the 'Grass Block' being blown away. So when you play the animation it should have an effect or animation where you wanted the explosion to take place. The animation/effect could be the same one as in game. Also when you play the animation it will move the scanned blocks in the default way in the 'Explosion Timeline'. I know you might be reading this and going: What the f***? But hey, maybe someone might understand all my gibber-jabber. Who knows? * = You can move around like this special block (like the light) around until you find the spot you want it in. Then you can choose how fast or how slow you want the explosion to be. Also the you can press this button and it will show you the 'Explosion Timeline' with all the default plotted timelines. Don't understand? Don't worry I just hope that maybe David or something understands all this and maybe consider it. If not then I just wasted your time GamerMitch OUT!
  4. Hello there I have a few suggestions/ideas that you can put in Mine-Imator. 1. Make the camera be able to parent with (lets just say) the head. So you can easily make a first person animation instead of having to move the camera every time. It would just make it easier. 2. There should be a button called 'customize' or 'config' where you are able to change the width and height of the body. So you can select Creeper and press customize and you can choose to make the head bigger. Don't get it confused with the Scale button. The scale button makes the whole (selected area, eg: the body) bigger. But this button is where you are given arrows (like the position/rotation ones) and you can stretch out the selected area (eg: the body) to make it wider or taller. So you can make your own little creation. Just a few suggestions. If you could at least take them into consideration I would be happy. Well enjoy your day! - GamerMitch Sorry I just read the 'READ THIS BEFORE POSTING' thing and guess what? Both ideas are in the 'To Do List' so I am sorry to have wasted your time with this. Just ignore this if you want as it is not useful.
  5. Hello there I have a few suggestions: The first one is the moon and the sun both have a timeline each. What I mean by this is like any other timeline but you can move the sun/moon like you can do in background but its on a timeline. So at lets say: 1:30 you can plot it on the timeline and plot another thing on the timeline at 1:45 and at the 1:45 one you would move the sun or moon. So when you play the animation at that timeline the moon/sun will move. Sorry if its confusing . Another suggestion is horses. Now you may get a lot of these suggestions but its something which will be really cool to have in MIne-Imator is horses. That would be really cool. Well there are just some suggestions which I hope you take into consideration. Bye, GamerMitch
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