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Will Facial Rig Your Skin!

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Rig Requests Here

I'm Taking Rig request, but only doing them 3 at a time, so be patient.

Fill out the form here:

1.3D Face or 2D? (Eyes, Eyebrows, teeth, mouth?) :

2. 3D Extras? (Sword,goggles,glass, shoes,etc.) :

3.  Pose? (Stand, Lie down, Ride, Sitting)

4. Number of Characters? (You could have 2 peeps hugging for ex. but limit is 4 peeps.)


Side Note:

There are no fingers.


Here's an example of what it looks like:


What I'm Working On:


- BoogaHead99

What I have done:

Me :




I'm not making any of these anymore. Sorry.

Edited by XxColorStreamxX
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1.3D Face or 2D? (Eyes, Eyebrows, teeth, mouth,Shoes?) :3D (shoes arent on ur face btw)

2. 3D Extras? (Sword,goggles,glass,etc.) : can my beanie and hair be 3D?

3. Pose? (Stand, Lie down, Ride, Sitting) any

4. Number of Characters? (You could have 2 peeps hugging for ex. but limit is 4 peeps.)

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1 eyes mouth and eye browns there 3d and 2d

unnamed.pngheres my skin

Could you please fill the form correctly, and send an actual link?



1.3D Face or 2D? (Eyes, Eyebrows, teeth, mouth,Shoes?) :3D (shoes arent on ur face btw)

2. 3D Extras? (Sword,goggles,glass,etc.) : can my beanie and hair be 3D?

3. Pose? (Stand, Lie down, Ride, Sitting) any

4. Number of Characters? (You could have 2 peeps hugging for ex. but limit is 4 peeps.)

 How many characters? I'll still work on your skin until you correct it. :D

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I am have already asked someone but no body seems to have answered me and they don't look like they will answer so I am asking you.

I need one for me and my close friend

friends skin: http://i.imgur.com/QVPu7sC.png


1.3D Face or 2D? (Eyes, Eyebrows, teeth, mouth?) : 3d please

2. 3D Extras? (Sword,goggles,glass, shoes,etc.) : The scarf and a bit of the hair, please add some 3d parts for my clothes and shoes.

3.  Pose? (Stand, Lie down, Ride, Sitting): Just make me stand (please start without a smile face)

4. Number of Characters? Just me



1.3D Face or 2D? (Eyes, Eyebrows, teeth, mouth?) : 3d

2. 3D Extras? (Sword,goggles,glass, shoes,etc.) : hoodie, hair and shoes

3.  Pose? (Stand, Lie down, Ride, Sitting): Standing (no emotion)

4. Number of Characters? Just the guy

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1.3D Face or 2D? (Eyes, Eyebrows, teeth, mouth?): 3D face 

2. 3D Extras? (Sword,goggles,glass, shoes,etc.) : 3D Hoodie

3.  Pose? (Stand, Lie down, Ride, Sitting) Stand

4. Number of Characters? (You could have 2 peeps hugging for ex. but limit is 4 peeps.) just the one.

Skin is on my profile please PM me the finished rig?


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1.3D Face or 2D? (Eyes, Eyebrows, teeth, mouth?) : All

2. 3D Extras? (Sword,goggles,glass, shoes,etc.) : 3d hair, headphones, hood, and sword

3.  Pose? (Stand, Lie down, Ride, Sitting) : Angry looking like he will kill anyone

4. Number of Characters? (You could have 2 peeps hugging for ex. but limit is 4 peeps.) 4 The skins are Lukeman060602, microaj, demigod239, and Lordawesome23

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1.3D Face or 2D? (Eyes, Eyebrows, teeth, mouth?) : pls have slime head actully layered and comes off

2. 3D Extras? (Sword,goggles,glass, shoes,etc.) :my pet slime bro

3.  Pose? (Stand, Lie down, Ride, Sitting): normal stand

4. Number of Characters? (You could have 2 peeps hugging for ex. but limit is 4 peeps.): just me and my pet slime bro

azzz u all know my skin is in profile :P some kid said that in my class except he said azz u all know im _____ for privacy :P :P
Edited by the7thdmension
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1.3D Face or 2D? (Eyes, Eyebrows, teeth, mouth?) : 3D.

2. 3D Extras? (Sword,goggles,glass, shoes,etc.) : Piece of steak?

3.  Pose? (Stand, Lie down, Ride, Sitting) Sitting on a small piece of stone.

4. Number of Characters? (You could have 2 peeps hugging for ex. but limit is 4 peeps.) Maybe a dog sitting next to me.


My skin is to the left under my avatar.

Edited by Bash Cat
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1.3D Face or 2D? (Eyes, Eyebrows, teeth, mouth?) : 3D

2. 3D Extras? (Sword,goggles,glass, shoes,etc.) : Gloves, Sword, Shoes

3.  Pose? (Stand, Lie down, Ride, Sitting) Preparing for battle pose

4. Number of Characters? (You could have 2 peeps hugging for ex. but limit is 4 peeps.) 4, Use my normal skin in my sig, And rig other characters as well, Randall Wayne: http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/randell-wayne-from-deadlight/ Vegas: http://mcskinsearch.com/skin/jonahtheninja Zoey: http://www.minershoes.com/skin/view/i4ec198a3edf04042897185377442114213242155

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1.Eyes, Mouth

2. Fingers

3.  Standing

4. 1



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Side Note:

There are no fingers.

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