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Found 5 results

  1. seperate blocks from a world or schematic in mine imator so we wont have to load up mc and it would make animation allot easier and animations could be allot better cause ppl including me are lazy and dont wanna do anything extra
  2. I just got this idea about months ago and today I decided to publish it. java edition: - mods, 3d recourse packs , shaders , .... python edition: - combined with Eviee and Cycles blender rendering. -more performance! and open source ! (python is much easier to code than coding with different languages for one APP!! I guess David, Nimi and mbanders need to learn ne coding languages.
  3. So far I am really liking 2.0 and even though it might have been something from the first version I just discovered group selection for individual parts and I love the concept of being able to select a bunch of rigs or items and move them at the same time which saves a huge amount of time . Though the one thing that I feel is lacking is the ability to select a group of items or rigs quickly without having to scroll and shift click multiple times and even then even if you have all of the items you want to animate you need to deselect and reselect all of the items to move specific joints or parts without hindering the positioning and rotation of the rigs . there are a few things I would like to suggest to make things a bit easier in these areas . 1 grouping something like parent but saves them to a specific tab so if you select it it selects all within the group without having to scroll 2 mirror mode or puppet mode allows you to bind all rigs to a specific rig and all rotations and bends will replicate without binding it to the same location allowing for larger scenes with more characters doing similar things without having to animate each one or trying to parent each item to a core model and having to move each piece back to it's location per frame 3 animation preset saves if you want to have a few rigs following a motion you would use frequently ( like walking, running, opening a box or door ) you just have to save the key frames to the software and you can paste them into the rigs time frame and everything with line up. left arm to left arm head to head etc. 4 line based animation if you have a selected item or rig you want to travel in a specific direction adding a path finding line will have the rig turn and travel along the line which allows you to quickly lay out your animations and spend more time focusing on details thank you for taking your time to read the suggestions and consider them and a eagerly wait to hear your opinions and see if any are instituted !

    .obj .FBX

    I would like to ask if there will be support for .obj .FBX models in the future?
  5. With Face Rig charachter animation will have expression. and it'll be more Fun. (sorry 4 bad english)
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