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Posts posted by Swalezee

  1. Any warning points and why: none lyk.


    How often are you on the chat (timings roughly, if you can): I can go on everynight. 3-9PM on weekdays, wow. I feel geeky.


    What is a Chat Mod to you, (Do you find them useful, useless, be honest.):Someone who can enforce the rules when someone is being rude or disrespectful, also someone who can speak to and be fun around 


    What were your opinions (Intial thoughts and present thoughts. BE HONEST! They can be negative!): I thought everyone who hate and just be mayhem, but it's a great community!


    Why do you want to become one, (Do you think you'll add something if we're not so useful?): Because sometimes people can take things too far but also because I can help and just be a laugh! :)


    Age (We aren't too bothered, but it's a fact to be taken into consideration):16



    Now for a realistic scenario IF the app is shortened or anything is missed out, it will be ignored!

    IMPORTANT: Answer the Scenario!

    If there's a spammer, with links being said one after another like so:




    What would you do?

    I would give him a warning, if he continues I will warn him, after 3 warning I will kick him from the chat.

    This will set the example to the others players in the chat. :)

  2. Not bad. Tips:

    • Try and make your own walk style!
    • Scenery!
    • For music, TeknoAXE is the way to go ;3
    • And finally welcome back!


    - I was thinking of making a realistic walk, but it sort of flopped everywhere

    - Scenery. Thinking of making some sort of battle arena in mine-imator but the schematic is always too big ;p

    - I'll have a look at TeknoAXE I guess i have to put their link in the description everytime I use a song right.

    - Thank you! I look foward to become a member of the mine-imator forums again!

  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mkf8Ncl50h4

    Well, I haven't animated in awile, so here's basically my coming back animation

    It's a short ongoing project which I was going to do but I stopped animation for tests.

    Now I've recently got back Into animation I'd like some feeback.

    also, anyone reccomend a site for non-copyrighted music, which I could sort of use as a backing track.

    Thanks in advance.

  4. Using different codex, fps different, or just making the animation in general

    aye, but everyone animation I have made so far has turned out to be choppy and I use different codex, but which codex is the best, I'm also intrigued into how i increase my fps in mine-imator.

  5. TF2 Trading servers are designed for the basic purpose of trading. What he is asking for is a schematic sort of built like a trading server map. A good example is trade_minecraft_b42 where players can just do things and roam around but mainly for trading TF2 items. If you've ever been to a trading server in Team Fortress 2, you would get the general idea of what goes on in the maps.

    Yeah. Thanks :)

  6. Yeah, planning to do a feels movie. So if anyone has any cells, and then a hanging or decapitation stand (like in medieval punishment), I realise this is a werid request, if anyone has any sad,moving music I would use that as well :D, but don't go on about how werid it is, because It will make you feel! :3 (hopefully)

  7. Could I voice myself? :3

    Also, would hacking off an infected part of someone (such as a hand) stop the infection from spreading?  Or would it spread too fast?

    (Sorry for the double post)

    Depends, in the walking dead video game you could do this, Oh Steve if you want you could have a character that has a hand/leg chopped off so he is vulnerable, or something idek.

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