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Animation(s) Needed for a Large YouTube Channel Collab

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I'm a YouTuber with nearly 50K, and I have a very large collaboration coming up with a huge event & intellectual property. My main designers are out of action at the moment, so if anyone here's available on short notice that can meet 4 to 5 week deadline, this would also be an amazing opportunity for you!

I can't speak too much on the details of the collaboration just yet, but to give you an idea of its significance, my last big collaboration was with the Family Guy Experience. And everyone knows Family Guy. This upcoming one is most likely even more universally known.  

Here's what I need:

  • Promo/Skit Animation
    • No more than 60 seconds. Short-form, vertical or square resolution. Lip-synching to my voice-over may be required, but also probably not, since my Minecraft character would be wearing a skin with a mask? At the most, a jaw-moving animation.
  • 30 Second TV-Spot Animation
    • That's right. This animation is going to be a TV SPOT in a VENUE, at a LIVE EVENT. Theoretically over 6000 attendees would see your work play out on screen. But don't let that discourage you if you're not an advanced animator. With my creative direction and your skillset, it'll all work out. And besides, we only need 30 seconds to shine.
    • The creative details of this one haven't been worked out just yet. Since I have plenty of animation scripts already written, what I may do is rework one of them to have a 30 second runtime. So to give you the best idea, this could be what I'm looking for, but again, only 30 seconds worth.

I'd also like to extend the offer for the willing & winning candidate to join my team for future animation needs if it the final product meets expectations. I can pay if it's an absolute must and the quality meets the demand of these circumstances, just know that I'm on a tight budget since I'm only an established creator, and not a full-time one. Plus I'm also saving for an even BIGGER collaboration with Minecraft which I have to travel for next month.

Here is my channel, and here is the best example of the quality that I would like to see. You can find my Discord on my profile here. Feel free to also message my profile directly because I would see that faster than a Discord friend request via email notification.

Thank you for your time,


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This looks awesome! I'd love to submit an animation, but I honestly can't tell, what exactly is the animation about? Also, what is 'Family Guy?'


This sounds like a great opportunity, and I'd love to make an animation for you, I just need to know what it's actually about.


      -Thanks, WheelOfTime

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On 10/14/2024 at 4:41 PM, WheelOfTime said:

This looks awesome! I'd love to submit an animation, but I honestly can't tell, what exactly is the animation about? Also, what is 'Family Guy?'


This sounds like a great opportunity, and I'd love to make an animation for you, I just need to know what it's actually about.


      -Thanks, WheelOfTime

Sorry for the delay! I've currently traveling out of town.

The message is vague / not specific on the details because it's best that I keep the details sealed from the public until it's time to roll, so that would be for someone accepting the job. I'll shoot you a message with more info about the animation, since you're interested. 😉

Family Guy is an American sitcom/adult animation cartoon, it's been around for 25 years and competes with the likes of The Simpsons, if that's something you've heard of. That was my last big collaboration, I recommend looking it up!

Anywho, I'll be in touch! Thank you for your interest!

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