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MIPGI ( Mine-Imator Tools ) V.0.3.1

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A Mine-Imator tools that help you create faster


What is MIPGI?

Mine-Imator PNG, Generate, Importer. Is a little software that help you animating more fun!

But for now, there is only PNG Sequence importing and KeyFrame Modifier feature, the others are coming on the next updates!  :^





( Screenshot is from version 0.3  )



  • Fast processing
  • Keyframe Modifiers ( Multiplier, Reverser, Randomizer )
  • Image Sequence Importer ( Video to Mine-Imator )
  • Easy to use ( Probably? )
  • meow



PNG Sequence Importer


We all know that import a PNG sequence image to mineimator 1 by 1 and set it into a keyframe 1 by 1 is a PAINSo I decided to make this tool to make it easy by just importing last name of the PNG sequence then place it to PNG Sequence folder and import it to Mine-Imator!

KerFrame Modifier


Make your animation look so Energetic with this simple features! or Mirror your keyframe (XYZ) to make some duplication effects, Reverse them, Randomize them!

Auto Blink ( Coming Early )

Creative Mouse Tracking ( Coming Early )

Miobject To BlockBench Model ( Coming Soon )

Simple Hair and Cloth Simulation ( Coming Soon )

Volumetric Clouds ( Coming Soon )

2D Physics ( Experimentation )

NPC AI ( AI Experimentation )

Audio to Keyframes ( AI Experimentation )


Rollback Version ( Deprecated )






This application was build on HTML5, so it can run on any OS.

V.0.3.1 | 2.7 MB


Older Versions:
V.0.3  |  2.98 MB
V.0.2  |  3 MB
V.0.1  | 7 MB






V 0.3.1 Updates!

Added Reverse Mode on Keyframe modifier
Added Randomize Mode on Keyframe modifier
Added "Apply To" In Keyframe Modifier Multiply 


- Now Keyframe modifier Multiply mode will only change Position, Rotation, Bend, Scale, Path offset and Item slots!
- Now you can apply the modifier to several value in Multipy Mode on Keyframe Modifier
- 10% More performance on Keyframe Modifier

- Fixed all bugs belong to Multiply mode on Keyframe Modifier
- Some UI and Logos Changes
- Added Pause button to save memory and CPU while not used
- Based on 3.0.0 Turbowarp Packager +20% Faster load time


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V 0.3 Updates!

Added KeyFrame Modifier!
Make your keyframe look so energetic with
KeyFrame Multiplier!

Soon i'm gonna add keyframe XYZ Mirroring :^
- Added keyframe modifier
- Some code clean up
- 5% Better Performance
- Smoother Image
- Licenses Changed to CC04


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V 0.2 Updates!

Changing some UI, adding features, and optimizing
Support For Exporting to Mineimator 1.2.5
Adding some new UI
Now your mouse pointer interact with button
Now default steve animation is clamped
Scaling is now automaticcaly set by video Resolution
Fixed FPS Bug
Fixed Button not working
Fixed Update detection not working
Fixed Forum Page link not working
Reducing APP Size by - 30%


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V 0.1 Updates! 

This is are the first version of this lil software!
Here is the main features:
Image Importer!
Unlimited size
Memory counter
Fast compiling
2.0.0 Support
Preview UI
Viewed Count


Dev Enjoy!

Tutorial? It's inside the software, it always nice to explore <3.
Edited by Yogaindo CR
Updates For V.0.3.11
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