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POV Loya: "Why don't you ever take it off? You look really beautiful without it"

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1 - mine-imator will get blender graphics soon, I tried new graphic stuff on this one

2 - imma start using this watermark on my renders from now on

3 - this is one of my best

4 - was a nightmare modelling and rigging the rest of her hair

5 - maybe, consider this as a spoiler  : >


Anyways goodbye!


And yeah, I also think without the hat she looks way better, what do you think?

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On 8/31/2023 at 5:12 AM, MKz said:

ye the image doesnt load for me for some reason , I will comeback regularly until it loads

but I am pretty shure it will look phenomenal

and for the graphics update, will it be in the community build version?

I used the 2.0 official one for this actually

They both don't have much difference in graphics

I just tried an old trick for the old version to improve lighting and shadows

On 8/31/2023 at 4:35 AM, rofrrrrrrrrrrrrr said:


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Yep I agree, she looks great without it,

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but I think she looks also great with the hat.




The reason she uses it is because her hair has some natural decoloration as you see (she grew up with that) and she thinks it looks ugly and weird on her.

On 8/31/2023 at 6:02 AM, Aayush Saji said:

I don't like the watermark -_-


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On 8/31/2023 at 2:44 PM, CanIIA said:

I used the 2.0 official one for this actually

They both don't have much difference in graphics

I just tried an old trick for the old version to improve lighting and shadows


The reason she uses it is because her hair has some natural decoloration as you see (she grew up with that) and she thinks it looks ugly and weird on her.


First: I thought the shiny thing is a earring, but I think it doesn't looks ugly, even if its natural. But that is only my opinion, you should decide it for yourself.

And second:


Don't cry CanIIA. Please. Be happy.


If possible.

I like the new watermark realy much.


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On 8/31/2023 at 10:17 AM, rofrrrrrrrrrrrrr said:

First: I thought the shiny thing is a earring, but I think it doesn't looks ugly, even if its natural. But that is only my opinion, you should decide it for yourself.

And second:

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Don't cry CanIIA. Please. Be happy.

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If possible.

I like the new watermark realy much.


:,3 I won't weekee cri dw 💚

Btw that shiny thing on her ear is not hair

That's a gift from Loya, a phosphorescent piece of cardboard with the shape of a thunder. She uses it that way.

Soon I'll post a render where you will see it in a better perspective

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On 8/31/2023 at 8:20 PM, CanIIA said:

:,3 I won't weekee cri dw 💚

Btw that shiny thing on her ear is not hair

That's a gift from Loya, a phosphorescent piece of cardboard with the shape of a thunder. She uses it that way.

Soon I'll post a render where you will see it in a better perspective



I am looking forward to this render.

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On 8/31/2023 at 4:02 AM, Aayush Saji said:

I don't like the watermark -_- 



On 8/31/2023 at 11:57 PM, Aayush Saji said:


And do you know what the uno Reverse card does? it basically reverses the turns so Toasted can throw another insult at you. it has nothing to do with deflecting it back at him

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On 8/31/2023 at 1:30 PM, CanIIA said:




1 - mine-imator will get blender graphics soon, I tried new graphic stuff on this one

2 - imma start using this watermark on my renders from now on

3 - this is one of my best

4 - was a nightmare modelling and rigging the rest of her hair

5 - maybe, consider this as a spoiler  : >


Anyways goodbye!


And yeah, I also think without the hat she looks way better, what do you think?


offtopic but I wish the blender graphics doesnt cause lag and it doesnt cause rendering to be more slower :3

that way I can animate faster than before because ngl after I stop focusing on graphics and small details I animate even more faster! :D

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