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This assets adds all features from Minecraft 24w40a to Mine Imator

How to import

Extract file to Mine-imator/Data/Minecraft
Open mine imator. Go setting and change Minecraft Version to "1.21_24w40a (MICB)". After that Close the Program and Reopen Mine imator 
*** (You can replace file at "%appdata%\Mine-imator\Minecraft_unzip)" ***


Version 1



Update assets to 24w40a



If you find some bugs. Please Report


Download Here : 
Download Assets 24w40a For MICB 1.0

1.20 Update 3 For Older Mine-Imator Version
Download Assets 1.20 Beta Update 3 (vex fixed 22w45a Update)

Edited by MCPA Team
Update assets
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On 6/19/2023 at 4:27 PM, Madhan said:

hey hi i tried many times but i didnt see any cherry biome content can u please help me out with this


For the Older update (that can be used in pre 4 and below) the cherry biome isn't a part of it. Only the unofficial 1.20 for pre 5 has it. Spent Literally 30mins trying to figure it out until I realized that the older file only has the older 1.20 snapshots. Bummer.

Edited by KenTracer
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First: Amazing renders.

I like the first in the Cherry blossom the most, it is something for wallpapers and arts in my opinion, but deside it yourself.

Second: If this all with cherry blossom works I am very happy.

Edited by rofrrrrrrrrrrrrr
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Some bugs that I've recently found are:

  1. The sniffer mob model is missing.
  2. The sniffer egg, chiseled bookshelf, and decorated pot don't load correctly.
  3. The torch flower and pitcher crop only show half of the bottom (they are cut out in the middle).
  4. Lastly, I think it would be great if suspicious sand/gravel is placed on the sand/gravel variant instead of being listed as an individual block.


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[How to fix models not importing]

  1.  Extract the zip file into the Mine-Imator folder {Look in instructions at top}

  2.  Rename the files from "1.20" to "1.19.3" and delete the old files/move them somewhere else

  3.  Boot up your project

  4.  Enter the Resources tab

  5.  Click the "Add Resource" button and select the fake "1.19.3" zipfile

  6.  Use the new resourcepack in the Crafting Table Menu when you need a 1.20 thing


{I didnt get the sniffers texture back but maybe it works for you}

MESSAGE FOR THE CREATOR: Please fix the problems as fast as you can. Please... 🥺

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