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  1. Creature Commandos - Project for Mine-imator CB Lights, textures, models and keys in a finished project for Mine-Imator DOWNLOAD
  2. the log 11:20:29 AM Opening project: E:/Users/_/Documents/WSPIANOMIDICRAP/Mine-imator 2.0 Pre-release 4/Mine-imator 2.0 Pre-release 4/Projects/Last Resort Blast Test1/Last Resort Blast Test1.miproject 11:20:29 AM JSON error: illegal value on line 24 11:20:29 AM Could not parse JSON file: E:/Users/_/Documents/WSPIANOMIDICRAP/Mine-imator 2.0 Pre-release 4/Mine-imator 2.0 Pre-release 4/Projects/Last Resort Blast Test1/Last Resort Blast Test1.miproject What Do I Do? All Backups Are corrupt to, it was working fine last night.
  3. I don't really know how exactly to reproduce it, but it happened with me two times. I think it has something to do with moving the last keyframe. What happens is work camera goes blank (Sky color), Other cameras still work, and animation still plays anyway. However, when reloading the project it says that the project is corrupted.
  4. Getting Hella better At My Renders | And was Wondering Would anyone like to participate in this project of Mine??
  5. Third Render getting better at it so far wiki coming soon
  6. At first I worked on 1.2.9, but then I changed the version. I started working on the new version of Mine Imator 2.0 Pre Release 5, but it takes too long to render the animation. I decided to go back to 1.2.9, but I get an error saying that I need to update Mine-Imator. I don't want to redo the whole project, what can I do?
  7. Funny thing is, this was actually a political cartoon, and this is the render without the text. For clarification, It's R2-D2, in a burning unstable building, and he's holding up one of the collapsed support beams. I've gotten a lot of confused people when I shared this in the discords, so y'know.
  8. So I had a 3D animation class in school this year, and for our final project we had to make an animation ~3 minutes long. We use a program called Strata Design 3D, which is great for modeling but horrible for animating (in my opinion). Anyway, I asked my instructor if I could use MI instead, and that's how this came to be. The story follows Fire and his quest to play with his friends (Earth, Water, and Air) in the rain. I hope you enjoy, this video got me a 100% in 4th quarter. Criticism appreciated! (Just 2 notes, 1: there's no background music because I couldn't find any good enough before the deadline. 2: The pacing is a little long because I was trying to extend the runtime just a bit.) Thanks for watching!
  9. ___ Mine-imator log ___ In your bug report, include this full log, along with instructions how to recreate the bug. If the issue concerns a specific animation, upload its folder as a .zip. 8:24:00 PM mineimator_version: 1.1.0 PRE-RELEASE 3 8:24:00 PM gm_runtime: 8:24:00 PM YYC: yes 8:24:00 PM working_directory: C:\Users\owner\Mine-imator\ 8:24:00 PM file_directory: C:\Users\owner\AppData\Roaming\Mine_imator\ 8:24:00 PM OS: Windows 8:24:00 PM os_version: 655360 8:24:00 PM os_is_network_connected: yes 8:24:00 PM os_get_language: en 8:24:00 PM os_get_region: US 8:24:00 PM USERDOMAIN: owner-PC 8:24:00 PM USERNAME: owner 8:24:00 PM USERPROFILE: C:\Users\owner 8:24:00 PM APPDATA: C:\Users\owner\AppData\Roaming 8:24:00 PM NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS: 2 8:24:00 PM PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE: x86 8:24:00 PM PROCESSOR_IDENTFIER: 8:24:00 PM PROCESSOR_LEVEL: 6 8:24:00 PM PROCESSOR_REVISION: 2a07 8:24:00 PM video_adapter_subsysid: 376246332 8:24:00 PM udid: 2ad299d6-a2f3-4cf4-a419-0a514493487e 8:24:00 PM video_adapter_vendorid: 32902 8:24:00 PM video_d3d11_context: 00E12514 8:24:00 PM video_d3d11_device: 00E11AC4 8:24:00 PM video_adapter_deviceid: 262 8:24:00 PM video_adapter_sharedsystemmemory: 1711276032 8:24:00 PM video_adapter_revision: 9 8:24:00 PM video_adapter_description: Intel(R) HD Graphics 8:24:00 PM video_adapter_dedicatedsystemmemory: 0 8:24:00 PM video_adapter_dedicatedvideomemory: 0 8:24:00 PM Old log found 8:24:00 PM Library startup 8:24:00 PM Data\file.dll 8:24:00 PM Data\movie.dll 8:24:00 PM Movie init 8:24:00 PM Data\texture.dll 8:24:00 PM Data\window.dll 8:24:01 PM working_directory: C:\Users\owner\Mine-imator\ 8:24:01 PM Trying to save files 8:24:01 PM surface_save OK 8:24:01 PM texture_create OK 8:24:01 PM file_delete_lib OK 8:24:01 PM Create vertex format 8:24:01 PM Shader init 8:24:01 PM shaders_are_supported: yes 8:24:01 PM shader_high_ssao_depth_normal compiled: yes 8:24:01 PM shader_high_ssao_blur compiled: yes 8:24:01 PM shader_high_ssao compiled: yes 8:24:01 PM shader_high_light_sun compiled: yes 8:24:01 PM shader_high_light_spot compiled: yes 8:24:01 PM shader_high_light_point compiled: yes 8:24:01 PM shader_high_light_night compiled: yes 8:24:01 PM shader_high_light_apply compiled: yes 8:24:01 PM shader_high_fog_apply compiled: yes 8:24:01 PM shader_high_fog compiled: yes 8:24:01 PM shader_high_dof compiled: yes 8:24:01 PM shader_high_aa compiled: yes 8:24:01 PM shader_replace compiled: yes 8:24:01 PM shader_draw_texture compiled: yes 8:24:01 PM shader_depth_point compiled: yes 8:24:01 PM shader_depth compiled: yes 8:24:01 PM shader_color_fog_lights compiled: yes 8:24:01 PM shader_color_fog compiled: yes 8:24:01 PM shader_color_camera compiled: yes 8:24:01 PM shader_border compiled: yes 8:24:01 PM shader_blend compiled: yes 8:24:01 PM shader_alpha_test compiled: yes 8:24:01 PM shader_alpha_fix compiled: yes 8:24:01 PM Make transitions 8:24:01 PM Transitions OK 8:24:01 PM Loading language file: C:\Users\owner\Mine-imator\Data\Languages\english.milanguage 8:24:01 PM Windows startup 8:24:01 PM Found key_file: C:\Users\owner\Mine-imator\Data\key.midata 8:24:02 PM Loading settings: C:\Users\owner\Mine-imator\Data\settings.midata 8:24:02 PM load_format: 24 8:24:02 PM Render init 8:24:02 PM Loading Minecraft assets version: 1.12.2 8:24:03 PM blocksize: 16 8:24:08 PM Saving block previews: C:\Users\owner\Mine-imator\Data\blockpreview.midata 8:24:08 PM Loaded assets successfully 8:24:08 PM Ground vbuffer init 8:24:08 PM Resetting project 8:24:08 PM Destroying instances 8:24:08 PM Project resetted 8:24:08 PM Show popup: startup 8:24:09 PM Opening project: C:\Users\owner\Mine-imator\Projects\New NEW UPDATE\New NEW UPDATE.miproject 8:24:09 PM load_format: 25 8:24:09 PM Resetting project 8:24:09 PM Destroying instances 8:24:09 PM Project resetted 8:24:09 PM save_folder: C:\Users\owner\Mine-imator\Projects\New NEW UPDATE 8:24:09 PM load_folder: C:\Users\owner\Mine-imator\Projects\New NEW UPDATE 8:24:10 PM Project loaded 8:24:10 PM Unzipping: C:\Users\owner\Mine-imator\Projects\New NEW UPDATE\LIFE 128x (Vers. 81).zip, C:\Users\owner\AppData\Roaming\Mine_imator\unzip\ 8:24:11 PM 365 files were extracted 8:24:14 PM blocksize: 128 ___ Mine-imator log ___ In your bug report, include this full log, along with instructions how to recreate the bug. If the issue concerns a specific animation, upload its folder as a .zip. 8:24:47 PM mineimator_version: 1.1.0 PRE-RELEASE 3 8:24:47 PM gm_runtime: 8:24:47 PM YYC: yes 8:24:47 PM working_directory: C:\Users\owner\Mine-imator\ 8:24:47 PM file_directory: C:\Users\owner\AppData\Roaming\Mine_imator\ 8:24:47 PM OS: Windows 8:24:47 PM os_version: 655360 8:24:47 PM os_is_network_connected: yes 8:24:47 PM os_get_language: en 8:24:47 PM os_get_region: US 8:24:47 PM USERDOMAIN: owner-PC 8:24:47 PM USERNAME: owner 8:24:47 PM USERPROFILE: C:\Users\owner 8:24:47 PM APPDATA: C:\Users\owner\AppData\Roaming 8:24:47 PM NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS: 2 8:24:47 PM PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE: x86 8:24:47 PM PROCESSOR_IDENTFIER: 8:24:47 PM PROCESSOR_LEVEL: 6 8:24:47 PM PROCESSOR_REVISION: 2a07 8:24:47 PM video_adapter_subsysid: 376246332 8:24:47 PM udid: 2ad299d6-a2f3-4cf4-a419-0a514493487e 8:24:47 PM video_adapter_vendorid: 32902 8:24:47 PM video_d3d11_context: 00512E14 8:24:47 PM video_d3d11_device: 0050FB5C 8:24:47 PM video_adapter_deviceid: 262 8:24:47 PM video_adapter_sharedsystemmemory: 1711276032 8:24:47 PM video_adapter_revision: 9 8:24:47 PM video_adapter_description: Intel(R) HD Graphics 8:24:47 PM video_adapter_dedicatedsystemmemory: 0 8:24:47 PM video_adapter_dedicatedvideomemory: 0 8:24:47 PM Old log found 8:24:47 PM Library startup 8:24:47 PM Data\file.dll 8:24:47 PM Data\movie.dll 8:24:47 PM Movie init 8:24:47 PM Data\texture.dll 8:24:47 PM Data\window.dll 8:24:48 PM Open URL: https://www.mineimatorforums.com/index.php?/forum/51-mine-imator-issues-and-bugs/ 8:24:48 PM Open URL: C:\Users\owner\AppData\Roaming\Mine_imator\log_previous.txt 8:24:48 PM working_directory: C:\Users\owner\Mine-imator\ 8:24:48 PM Trying to save files 8:24:49 PM surface_save OK 8:24:49 PM texture_create OK 8:24:49 PM file_delete_lib OK 8:24:49 PM Create vertex format 8:24:49 PM Shader init 8:24:49 PM shaders_are_supported: yes 8:24:49 PM shader_high_ssao_depth_normal compiled: yes 8:24:49 PM shader_high_ssao_blur compiled: yes 8:24:49 PM shader_high_ssao compiled: yes 8:24:49 PM shader_high_light_sun compiled: yes 8:24:49 PM shader_high_light_spot compiled: yes 8:24:49 PM shader_high_light_point compiled: yes 8:24:49 PM shader_high_light_night compiled: yes 8:24:49 PM shader_high_light_apply compiled: yes 8:24:49 PM shader_high_fog_apply compiled: yes 8:24:49 PM shader_high_fog compiled: yes 8:24:49 PM shader_high_dof compiled: yes 8:24:49 PM shader_high_aa compiled: yes 8:24:49 PM shader_replace compiled: yes 8:24:49 PM shader_draw_texture compiled: yes 8:24:49 PM shader_depth_point compiled: yes 8:24:49 PM shader_depth compiled: yes 8:24:49 PM shader_color_fog_lights compiled: yes 8:24:49 PM shader_color_fog compiled: yes 8:24:49 PM shader_color_camera compiled: yes 8:24:49 PM shader_border compiled: yes 8:24:49 PM shader_blend compiled: yes 8:24:49 PM shader_alpha_test compiled: yes 8:24:49 PM shader_alpha_fix compiled: yes 8:24:49 PM Make transitions 8:24:49 PM Transitions OK 8:24:49 PM Loading language file: C:\Users\owner\Mine-imator\Data\Languages\english.milanguage 8:24:50 PM Windows startup 8:24:50 PM Found key_file: C:\Users\owner\Mine-imator\Data\key.midata 8:24:50 PM Loading settings: C:\Users\owner\Mine-imator\Data\settings.midata 8:24:50 PM load_format: 24 8:24:50 PM Render init 8:24:50 PM Loading Minecraft assets version: 1.12.2 8:24:52 PM blocksize: 16 8:24:58 PM Saving block previews: C:\Users\owner\Mine-imator\Data\blockpreview.midata 8:24:58 PM Loaded assets successfully 8:24:58 PM Ground vbuffer init 8:24:58 PM Resetting project 8:24:58 PM Destroying instances 8:24:58 PM Project resetted 8:24:58 PM Show popup: startup 8:26:09 PM Opening project: C:\Users\owner\Mine-imator\Projects\New NEW UPDATE\New NEW UPDATE.miproject 8:26:09 PM load_format: 25 8:26:09 PM Resetting project 8:26:09 PM Destroying instances 8:26:09 PM Project resetted 8:26:09 PM save_folder: C:\Users\owner\Mine-imator\Projects\New NEW UPDATE 8:26:09 PM load_folder: C:\Users\owner\Mine-imator\Projects\New NEW UPDATE 8:26:09 PM Project loaded 8:26:09 PM Unzipping: C:\Users\owner\Mine-imator\Projects\New NEW UPDATE\LIFE 128x (Vers. 81).zip, C:\Users\owner\AppData\Roaming\Mine_imator\unzip\ 8:26:10 PM 365 files were extracted 8:26:13 PM blocksize: 128 8:26:29 PM Pack loaded 8:26:29 PM Saving settings: C:\Users\owner\Mine-imator\Data\settings.midata 8:26:33 PM Action: action_tl_select 8:26:34 PM Action: action_tl_deselect_all 8:26:38 PM Action: action_tl_deselect_all 8:26:40 PM Action: action_tl_select_area 8:26:56 PM Saving object: C:\Users\owner\Downloads\All Dans Stuff\RobotV2WITHCHAIR.miobject 8:26:56 PM save_folder: C:\Users\owner\Downloads\All Dans Stuff 8:26:56 PM load_folder: C:\Users\owner\Mine-imator\Projects\New NEW UPDATE 8:26:56 PM Object saved 8:27:10 PM Action: action_tl_deselect_all 8:28:50 PM Action Set variable: action_background_sky_clouds_z, 1000, 990, 1 8:29:01 PM Action Set variable: action_background_fog_size, 2000, 1980, 1 8:29:12 PM Action Set variable: action_background_fog_distance, 10000, 9800, 1 8:29:13 PM Action Set variable: action_background_fog_size, 170, 200, 1 8:29:14 PM Action Set variable: action_background_fog_distance, 9230, 8680, 1 8:29:18 PM Action Set variable: action_background_fog_size, 410, 450, 1 8:29:23 PM Action Set variable: action_background_fog_distance, 70, 80, 1 8:29:32 PM Action: action_tl_deselect_all 8:29:37 PM Action Set variable: action_background_fog_sky, 1, 0, 0 8:29:40 PM Action Set variable: action_background_fog_sky, 0, 1, 0 8:29:44 PM Action Set variable: action_background_fog_show, 1, 0, 0 8:29:45 PM Action Set variable: action_background_fog_show, 0, 1, 0 8:29:50 PM Saving project: C:\Users\owner\Mine-imator\Projects\New NEW UPDATE\New NEW UPDATE.miproject 8:29:50 PM save_folder: C:\Users\owner\Mine-imator\Projects\New NEW UPDATE 8:29:50 PM load_folder: C:\Users\owner\Mine-imator\Projects\New NEW UPDATE 8:29:50 PM Project saved 8:29:50 PM Show alert: Project saved!, , 81 8:29:50 PM Saving settings: C:\Users\owner\Mine-imator\Data\settings.midata 8:29:54 PM Saving settings: C:\Users\owner\Mine-imator\Data\settings.midata 8:30:11 PM Add resource: pack 8:30:11 PM filename: Cubed Realism 1.11-r1 256x.zip 8:30:11 PM Action Load resource: action_background_ground_tex, C:\Users\owner\Downloads\All Dans Stuff\Cubed Realism 1.11-r1 256x.zip 8:30:12 PM Unzipping: C:\Users\owner\Downloads\All Dans Stuff\Cubed Realism 1.11-r1 256x.zip, C:\Users\owner\AppData\Roaming\Mine_imator\unzip\ 8:30:13 PM 653 files were extracted 8:30:15 PM blocksize: 256
  10. Mine-Imator don't open or creates project
  11. So yeah, i just got the perfect trick and it's done I'm making this project since 2015. with @BagasMC I'm making this model in c4d. So we decided to make this lightsaber to in Mine-Imator. yeah it took me 2 years to get this trick and thx to nimi he add bloom for the mine-imator. i'm gonna continue this project. bye boi.
  12. Hi, I get "Minecraft 3D animation software stopped working" while trying to open my project Screenshot: I don't know what to do, and I need help. Error log: ___ Mine-imator log ___ In your bug report, include this full log, along with instructions how to recreate the bug. If the issue concerns a specific animation, upload its folder as a .zip. 16:39:57 version: 1.0.6 16:39:57 gm_version: 1.4.1749 16:39:57 build date: 12.03.2016 15:10:39 16:39:57 YYC: yes 16:39:57 working_directory: C:\Users\[censored]\Mine-imator\ 16:39:57 file_directory: C:\Users\[censored]\AppData\Roaming\Mine_imator\ 16:39:57 OS: Windows 10 16:39:57 os_version: 393218 16:39:57 os_is_network_connected: yes 16:39:57 os_get_language: cs 16:39:57 os_get_region: CZ 16:39:57 USERDOMAIN: [censored]-PC 16:39:57 USERNAME: [censored] 16:39:57 USERPROFILE: C:\Users\[censored] 16:39:57 APPDATA: C:\Users\[censored]\AppData\Roaming 16:39:57 NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS: 4 16:39:57 PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE: x86 16:39:57 PROCESSOR_IDENTFIER: 16:39:57 PROCESSOR_LEVEL: 18 16:39:57 PROCESSOR_REVISION: 0100 16:39:57 video_adapter_0_name: AMD Radeon HD 5700 Series 16:39:57 video_adapter_0_driver_version_high: 524305 16:39:57 video_adapter_0_device_name: \\.\DISPLAY1 16:39:57 video_adapter_0_driver_version_low: 656764 16:39:57 Old log found 16:39:57 Library init 16:39:57 Data\file.dll 16:39:57 Data\movie.dll 16:39:57 Movie init 16:39:57 Data\window.dll 16:39:57 Data\texture.dll 16:39:57 Texture init 16:39:58 working_directory: C:\Users\[censored]\Mine-imator\ 16:39:58 Trying to save files 16:39:58 surface_save OK 16:39:58 texture_create OK 16:39:58 file_delete_lib OK 16:39:58 Shader init 16:39:58 shaders_are_supported: yes 16:39:58 shader_high_ssao_blur compiled: yes 16:39:58 shader_high_ssao compiled: yes 16:39:58 shader_high_ssao_depth_normal compiled: yes 16:39:58 shader_high_light_apply compiled: yes 16:39:58 shader_high_light_night compiled: yes 16:39:58 shader_high_light_point compiled: yes 16:39:58 shader_high_light_spot compiled: yes 16:39:58 shader_high_light_sun compiled: yes 16:39:58 shader_high_fog_apply compiled: yes 16:39:58 shader_high_fog compiled: yes 16:39:58 shader_high_dof compiled: yes 16:39:58 shader_high_aa compiled: yes 16:39:58 shader_replace compiled: yes 16:39:58 shader_draw_texture compiled: yes 16:39:58 shader_depth compiled: yes 16:39:58 shader_color_fog_lights compiled: yes 16:39:58 shader_color_fog compiled: yes 16:39:58 shader_blend_fog compiled: yes 16:39:58 shader_blend compiled: yes 16:39:58 shader_border compiled: yes 16:39:58 Create vertex format 16:39:58 Render init 16:39:58 Ground model init 16:39:58 Character models init 16:39:58 Windows init 16:39:58 Lists init 16:39:58 Load language file: C:\Users\[censored]\Mine-imator\Data\Languages\english.txt 16:39:58 Make transitions 16:39:58 Transitions OK 16:39:58 Globals init 16:39:58 Opening pack from folder: C:\Users\[censored]\Mine-imator\Data\Textures\ 16:39:58 mob_texture 16:39:58 block_texture 16:39:59 colormap_grass_texture 16:39:59 colormap_foliage_texture 16:39:59 item_texture 16:39:59 particles_texture 16:39:59 block_preview_texture 16:39:59 sun_texture 16:39:59 moonphases_texture 16:39:59 moon_texture 16:39:59 clouds_texture 16:39:59 Pack opened 16:39:59 Found key_file: C:\Users\[censored]\Mine-imator\Data\key.file 16:39:59 Loading settings: C:\Users\[censored]\Mine-imator\Data\settings.file 16:39:59 load_format: 4 16:39:59 Loading recent: C:\Users\[censored]\Mine-imator\Data\recent.file 16:39:59 Loading closed alerts: C:\Users\[censored]\Mine-imator\Data\alerts.file 16:39:59 Startup OK 16:39:59 Resetting project 16:39:59 Destroying instances 16:39:59 Project resetted 16:39:59 Show popup: startup 16:40:01 Opening project: C:\Users\[censored]\Mine-imator\Projects\DC day\DC day.mproj 16:40:01 load_folder: C:\Users\[censored]\Mine-imator\Projects\DC day 16:40:01 load_format: 13 16:40:01 Resetting project 16:40:01 Destroying instances 16:40:01 Project resetted 16:40:01 save_folder: C:\Users\[censored]\Mine-imator\Projects\DC day 16:40:01 load_iid_offset: 0 16:40:01 Templates: 17 16:40:01 Timelines: 35 16:40:01 Resources: 6 16:40:01 Get template iids 16:40:01 Get particle type iids 16:40:01 Get keyframe iids 16:40:01 Get timeline iids 16:40:01 Build trees 16:40:01 Reset read positions 16:40:01 Update program 16:40:01 Project loaded
  13. So lately I have been getting more into using rigs. So I thought this one rig would go great with this project I already made. So I hop on to Mine-Imator and search for some button that says upload .object. But I found nothing. So then I look for a tutorial and see that there is nothing on it. Then I when to the Mine-Imator Website to see if anyone could help me here.
  14. Characters Have Already Been Chosen Hello guys! So I'll be working on a big animation for the next month or two and it is going to be called "A Forgotten Past" (If you hadn't known that already ). I'll be putting a lot of dedication towards this project and will be willing to start from scratch if it looks bad even if I'm far into the animation. The animation will be around 4 - 10 minutes, maybe longer or shorter, but it's an estimate of the length the animation will be. Brief Summary of the Storyline (Not All Of It): So for this animation, I'll need your characters to be on a side! If your character is really appealing to me and is unique, I might make it the leader of the group that it is apart of. Remember not every character will make it in the "main" groups since there is only a maximum of three spots for the groups except for the Citizens group. Sides You Can Choose: To sign up your character, just follow this template If anyone is willing to help me with this project, please PM me. I will be really thankful for whoever is willing to do this Role spots: Special thanks to: @StiflingHat9897 for the great editing and @BAC0NB0Y_YT for the Sahnz rig!
  15. Before You look at this project, this project can get scraped at any time if I don't have the time, so don't get mad if this gets scraped... Also I changed my name to KoolProductions (IDK WHY) I need voice actors for a very secret project I'm working on, I need (so far) Average 12 yr old boy voice female 12 yr old voice annoying 12 yr old voice Here is a hint of my project, N64 Also, if you are hired, don't tell anyone about the project
  16. Every time I try to use mineimator, it always says would you like to create a project. So I say yes and then it says project now saved and closed someone please help!
  17. When i load a project, it keep putting me into the save thing When i load it again it still happens, any suggestions on what should i do?
  18. So I opened Mine-Imator 1.0.3, and I received this board that came up when I selected create new project. I opened other projects but the board keeps coming. Any help?
  19. 2:44:04 PM version: 1.0.3 (official) 2:44:04 PM gm_version: 1.4.1657 2:44:04 PM build date: 11/12/2015 3:26:42 PM 2:44:04 PM YYC: yes 2:44:04 PM OS: Windows_NT 2:44:04 PM USERDOMAIN: CAROL-HP 2:44:04 PM USERNAME: Carol 2:44:04 PM USERPROFILE: C:\Users\Carol 2:44:04 PM APPDATA: C:\Users\Carol\AppData\Roaming 2:44:04 PM video_adapter_0_name: ATI Radeon HD 4200 2:44:04 PM video_adapter_0_driver_version_high: 524305 2:44:04 PM video_adapter_0_device_name: \\.\DISPLAY1 2:44:04 PM video_adapter_0_driver_version_low: 656489 2:44:04 PM os_version: 393218 2:44:04 PM os_is_network_connected: yes 2:44:04 PM os_get_language: en 2:44:04 PM os_get_region: US 2:44:04 PM working_directory: C:\Users\Carol\Mine-imator\ 2:44:04 PM file_directory: C:\Users\Carol\AppData\Roaming\Mine_imator\ 2:44:04 PM Old log found 2:44:04 PM DLL init 2:44:04 PM file.dll 2:44:04 PM gzunzip.dll 2:44:04 PM movie.dll 2:44:05 PM Movie init 2:44:05 PM window.dll 2:44:05 PM texture.dll 2:44:05 PM Texture init 2:44:07 PM exe_directory: C:\Users\Carol\Mine-imator\ 2:44:07 PM Trying to save files 2:44:07 PM Files saved 2:44:07 PM Shader init 2:44:07 PM shaders_are_supported: yes 2:44:07 PM shader_high_ssao_blur compiled: yes 2:44:07 PM shader_high_ssao compiled: yes 2:44:07 PM shader_high_ssao_depth_normal compiled: yes 2:44:07 PM shader_high_light_apply compiled: yes 2:44:07 PM shader_high_light_night compiled: yes 2:44:07 PM shader_high_light_point compiled: yes 2:44:07 PM shader_high_light_spot compiled: yes 2:44:07 PM shader_high_light_sun compiled: yes 2:44:07 PM shader_high_fog_apply compiled: yes 2:44:07 PM shader_high_fog compiled: yes 2:44:07 PM shader_high_dof compiled: yes 2:44:07 PM shader_high_aa compiled: yes 2:44:07 PM shader_replace compiled: yes 2:44:07 PM shader_draw_texture compiled: yes 2:44:07 PM shader_depth compiled: yes 2:44:07 PM shader_color_fog_lights compiled: yes 2:44:07 PM shader_color_fog compiled: yes 2:44:07 PM shader_blend_fog compiled: yes 2:44:07 PM shader_blend compiled: yes 2:44:07 PM shader_border compiled: yes 2:44:07 PM Create vertex format 2:44:07 PM Render init 2:44:07 PM Ground model init 2:44:07 PM Character models init 2:44:07 PM Windows init 2:44:07 PM Lists init 2:44:07 PM Load language file: C:\Users\Carol\Mine-imator\Other\Languages\english.txt 2:44:07 PM Make transitions 2:44:07 PM Globals init 2:44:07 PM Opening pack from folder: C:\Users\Carol\Mine-imator\Other\Textures\ 2:44:10 PM Startup OK 2:44:10 PM Resetting project 2:44:10 PM Destroying instances 2:44:10 PM Project resetted 2:44:10 PM Show popup: startup 2:44:15 PM Opening project: C:\Users\Carol\Mine-imator\Projects\TRTF stuff\TRTF stuff.mproj 2:44:15 PM load_folder: C:\Users\Carol\Mine-imator\Projects\TRTF stuff 2:44:15 PM load_format: 10 2:44:15 PM Resetting project 2:44:15 PM Destroying instances 2:44:15 PM Project resetted 2:44:15 PM save_folder: C:\Users\Carol\Mine-imator\Projects\TRTF stuff 2:44:15 PM load_iid_offset: 0 2:44:15 PM Templates: 10 2:44:15 PM Timelines: 126 2:44:15 PM Resources: 6 2:44:15 PM Get template iids 2:44:15 PM Get particle type iids 2:44:15 PM Get keyframe iids 2:44:15 PM Get timeline iids 2:44:15 PM Update program
  20. If you want to change the wallpaper, change the picture of the surface to your wallpaper. DOWNLOAD!!
  21. Yey this is gonna be huge https://youtu.be/mXh42K1h-IA If video doesn't work, go here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pSurtUXamM It's not for humorless people. WMM is laggy, it deleted a part of the video.
  22. Hello everyone I am looking for a team or people to collab with, I opened myself for collabs over a week ago and I have not gotten any responses yet so I am still completely needing of a partner or a team. I can, although I am still learning, animate. But in the light of other positions I can make skins, do editing, set building if need be, and I would be happy to do voicing for projects that require such if I can. Contact me via Commenting here, my skype, my Google +, or email at scarclaw73@gmail.com (yes is 73 in the gmail to confirm it was no typo lolz)
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