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Found 2 results

  1. Download v1.0.0 Changes since Mine-imator 2.0.2: Features Ported all features from mbanders's Continuation Build 1.0.6. Added gobos, allowing for textures to be applied to spotlights. Added light groups. Objects will only be affected by lights if both are in the same light group. Lights without a light group will still affect all objects regardless. Can be created from a new "Light groups" tab in the project properties. Timelines can be added to light groups through their properties tab under "Appearance". Added Copy position, rotation, and scale constraints. Timelines can inherit these values from any other timeline in the project. Timelines can switch between their targeted object for each constraint at any time during the animation. X, Y, and Z value inheritance can be switched on and off for each constraint at any time. Added Look at constraint. Timelines will rotate towards the direction of another timeline. Target timeline can be switched during the animation. Added Bend inverse kinematics constraint. Allows for body parts to bend parallel to the rotation of another timeline. Useful for hand and foot IK in custom models. Added dropdown menu to "Enable/Disable overlays" button in viewport taskbars. Can toggle visibility of gizmos, timeline shapes, and timeline guides individually. Added timeline guides. Visual representations of camera frustums, spotlight cones, etc. now appear when these objects are selected. Must first be enabled under "Enable/Disable overlays" dropdown. Added "Aspect ratio" modifier for cameras. Added scene color modifiers for night sky, night clouds, and stars. "Night" color is now called "Night Ambient". Added "Work camera FOV" preference. Added "Select locked timeline parent" preference. When trying to select a locked timeline, its parent will be selected instead. (Will continue up the hierarchy tree until it finds an unlocked parent.) "Import asset..." option now allows for multiple assets to be imported at a time. .miproject files can now be opened directly with Mine-imator from the file explorer. Added project search bar to the home screen. Lights can now be switched between point and spot lights after creation (new "Light" tab in its properties). Body parts now have a Wind influence modifier. "Inherit bend" option now copies bending from parts affected by IK. Import image popup now displays the texture being imported. Integrated item sheet importing into the import image popup. Interface tab in Preferences is now sorted into subtabs. Updated appearance of startup and home screens. Replaced Modelbench advertisement with Modelbench CB advertisement.
  2. So i was thinking that i should use all of my human rigs .... even the ones i made that i dont use so i could use themmmmm for something also Im stil using CB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #CommunityBuildSquad
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