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  1. Version 3.0 (Beta) QOL Animations Update + small bug Fixed! Download Other Version Version 3 (Beta) ! This version may had some bugs so make sure to make report and also feedback then ! WinnythailandFX's Character Model V3 Beta 1 (May 26, 2024) Version 2 WinnythailandFX's Character Model V2.2 (Feb 27, 2024) WinnythailandFX's Character Model V2.1 (Dec 6, 2023) [Closed] WinnythailandFX's Character Model V2 (April 20, 2023) [Closed] Version 1 WinnythailandFX's Character Model V1.2 (Dec 6, 2023) WinnythailandFX's Character Model V1.1 (Feb 3, 2023) [Broken] WinnythailandFX's Character Model V1 (Nov 12, 2022) [Broken] Announcement hmm.. might bring back old features and with some new testing that (might) gonna make you interesting hmm... Discord.gg/WinnythailandFX Compatible Mine-imator Version: • Mine-imator 1.2.6 - 1.2.9 • Mine-imator 2.0.0 Pre-released 4 • Mine-imator 2.0.0 - 2.0.2 • (Any) Modded Mine-imator+ Compatible Modelbench Version: • Modelbench 1.1.4 • Modelbench 1.1.5 (Not recommend, because due to memory leak but why not try this version ➔ Click me here) • (Any) Modded Modelbench+ ➥ (Modelbench Communtiy Build by Swooplezz) Features: Fingers Blocky (can toggleable) Female Models (+Inculde 4px arm support) Inverse Kinematics (Only 2.0 and up to newer version) Smooth wrist & ankle bend Can toggle any layer skin like in-game minecraft! Advanced Control (Extra Rotation, etc) Facial rig (coming soon) Adds-on (coming soon) Mores? May not inculde herobrine Questions [FAQ] 1. can i edit/modifying or add something into your model/rig? - sure, you can. if you want to add like hair bendable, jacket, etc, go ahead, (or fixed something that i didn't encounter) and i dont really mind longer as you dont claim as yours 2. can i borrow some part from model (fingers, body, etc) - of course you can, plus maybe u try learn something from my model 3. Why there 4px arm female? - For people who make female skin with 4px arm Patch notes - Update Patch Note 6 (May 25, 2024) (May 26, 2024) [QOL Animations Updates + Small bug fixed] Another tottaly small updates, nothing new or add yet, but i made some changes to model when come to animating, which should make your animating become more efficiently and easier (maybe) for your big and small project hope it helps! Fixed missed tiny offset bottom hat & ankle edge extrude Fixed backface texture Fixed *ahem* Incorret female body part texture (Ari) Add more toggleable jacket part on side, bottom, and top (current only Steve, Efe had this feature add later next update) Add more extra control on body/torso and heads Add Extra Thumb Bend Adjust umm... female body part *sigh* (Alex, Ari) Rename some body names parts Add support (Almost) any .miframes (or any keyframes) long as follow default mine-imator human model body part name and same go as Pose features on Mine-imator 2.0.1 Update Efe default skin Update preview images Rewrite this entire post for better word something idk... Herobrine removed for a 5th time and mores? - Update Patch Note 5 (Feb 27, 2024) Small update to fix misplace extrude edge. which it should be fixed on previous update, but forgot and missed it somehow idk why and also discord seems patched images hosting on direct message so guess i gonna find new site to images now (update i found it lol) but at least download link still work, it just image didnt show up anyways - Update Patch Note 4 (Dec 6, 2023) [Birthday Update] Today is my birthday, and decide to update my model to fix bug with update download link discord > google drive because discord made a change where if you host files/image on anything on discord it will expired in few month which is reasonable because hacker/scammer use there to host malware files and also here a update patch notes - Update Patch Note 3 (April 20, 2023) - Update Patch Note 2 (April 17, 2023) [Inverse Kinematics Updates + Bug Fixed!] - Update Patch Note 1 (Feb 3, 2023) opss. idk just upvote my post pls
  2. Showcase Video Download Here Based on the Advanced Auto Extrude model, I bring you Opaque V1 For 2.0! Features: IK controls Wrist & Ankle Face Rig Advanced Extrude Selectable Hair Including Presets: Hat Taper Hood Bendable Mask Details: There're two types of Extrude. The first being the Advanced Auto Extrude, and the second being the selectable hair. Tutorial on how to Advanced-Auto-Extrude is included in the video, and for the selectable hair version, all you have to do is to disable the skin parts of the head. Also, I'd suggest to disable the IK for arms since arms don't really need IK in most situations. EDIT: I have fixed the wrist bending glitch, and also the teeth glitch where it doesn't rotate with the head. If you had downloaded before 7/17/2023, please re-download the model.
  3. Hey everyone, this is my own character rig, It is not so good but this was my first rig ever! Take a look please... OVERALL LOOK (BASIC VERSION) 3D SHOES AND HAIR (ALSO OTHER EXTRUTIONS) OVERALL LOOK (ADVANCED VERSION) FINGERS REALISTIC FEET NOTE:- All features in 'Advanced Version' and 'Basic Version' are same except for "shoes" and "fingers". Comment for download link...! As said, this is my first rig and not that good. Also, the textures are simple as I am not an expert of that. Suggest me some ways to improve it! *_|...|_* Thanks For Visiting *_|...|_*
  4. I don't want to type too much, cause I'm busy right now. Give me constructive crit, don't hate.
  5. So I tried to make a bendable robot-like shoe in Mine-imator and five hours later, this happened. As you can tell, it's virtually seamless. I'm only making this into a Topic because some people might really appreciate the illusion in vanilla Mine-imator. I'm sure at least a few other people have done something like this. Is this even what Extrudes are supposed to be? I didn't know any other term...
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