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  1. fnaf 1 stage renders possessed Bonnie? he simply doesn't respect the laws of physics
  2. - Sweets Pack - - (Contents) - - Cake - - Cupcake - - Lollipops - (Four variants) - Cookie - - Donuts - (Two variants) - M&M Jar - (Or any type candy you want, like skittles, gummies, etc.) _____________________________ (No credit needed, but would be appreciated)
  3. Happy (late) birthday, @Draco63! Credits: Lens dirt texture goes to @ShotUAnimations Skin goes to Draco himself.
  4. Congrats, @Ghatos! Here is your exclusive wallpaper, involving your fav food: CAKE! P.S, made it bright just like your profile pic.
  5. This........is a disaster ? probably cause of two main reasons : 1. The dialogue is S#@T ! 2. Too short to be called an episode well, these are the reasons for me ? also this animation was supposed to come out like 3 weeks ago ! but still, spare me the critisism guys. I really was hurrying to finish it in like two weeks anyways, here it is please do let me know if it was any good and Shout to my fellow Animators featured in this video : @Nerdinq @TechnoGamerJW Animated with Mine Imator (Duh !) Edited with Hitfilm Express 2017 PEACE ! Also, here the first episode. if you didn't watch it already thought you would enjoy it more than the second one
  6. Hey, David. It'd be really awesome if you could have the ability to export .MANI models as other types of files, For example, BLEND files, .MDL files (Source, Quake, GoldSrc, etc.), different files like that. So you can import the animation into Blender or something, It'd be awesome for developers of Minecraft-Related Games, mods, etc. And it'd be amazing. Thanks for your time! -Aronan
  7. How many views can I get on my first Mine-imator animation!?!?!?!? So if you liked it, share with your friends and see if they liked it too!
  8. Hello everyone, like last year I uploaded an animation about my birthday, today I wanted to do the same, a short animation and here it is, I hope you like it.
  9. V1: http://www.mineimatorforums.com/index.php?/topic/64193-3d-cake-rigs-vanilla-chocolate/ Extension: http://www.mineimatorforums.com/index.php?/topic/64425-3d-cake-rig-extension-1/ It's ya boi Spectral finally posting good content on the forums. Here's my improved version of my old 3D Cake Rig I made back when I had 50 rep or so. Look at the links above if you haven't seen the older version of the rig. 3D Cake Rig V2 Note: Buggy (mainly textures) >> Download << Pics: Instructions for n00bs:
  10. Here's my first attempt at making a rig. Don't expect the best. Edit: Wow, that's a lot of people who like this rig. Spectral's 3D Cake Rig Pics: Instructions (for noobs): Download: http://www.mediafire.com/file/884na2u9v8l6ppn/Better+Cake.zip You don't needa credit me for this rig, but if you wanna you can I guess.
  11. Lol it looks funny Get your free cake --> http://deltadinodeltaandrew.weebly.com/downloads.html
  12. Cake is a lie!! Download Here!!
  13. soo this is still a wip creation. i hope you like! download:https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B11F61_0gUntMU56Rll3QmVDWFE/view
  14. Dlava7

    Cake Rig

    HI! i'm new to the forums, but I just want to send out this new cake rig that I made, plus, if you want to use it, be sure to include credits, and maybe send me a link so I can see! To Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/i9905ebu69psg7b/Cake_block_Rig_(Click_This).object Ps. Here's the image http://i.imgur.com/sPaniio.png
  15. Ok So I was filming a couple days ago for My TL movie. And the actors for Alexia and Clinton in the movie suddenly started placing kakes (Cakes) EVERYWHERE and they didn't stop for a full 4 hours. I made this wallpaper as a joke for them So this is The Orginial Wallpaper And this one is the one that was caked
  16. download:http://www.mediafire,com/download/dudjongs3m0lzvb/Portal+gun+rig+by+xdroin.zip
  17. First rig diamond ore! http://imgur.com/MUR4RR5 download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/q2bzrq8d04tu3ss/Ore+rig.rar I Tall grass! http://imgur.com/QVlKqDj download: https://www.mediafire.com/?cde66xbo19o0cma TNT! http://imgur.com/LMBbdk3 download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/pxfua0h4udxyv53/TNT+rig.rar Cake! http://imgur.com/JbXSAXG download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/xi69dxkifwa3p7i/Cake+rig.rar Flower! http://imgur.com/21RDVdH download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/7jr2hdw42onwu8r/Flower+rig.rar Diamond! Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/rprmr2utsubc2gs/diamond+rig.rar Soon to be added: Much more block and item rigs TNT will have 3d text on the part that says "tnt" Thanks for reading! Don't forget to leave a like and download
  18. Happy Birthday CKGirl! I just posted now because i was not online yesterday to post it to you
  19. whoever let him make the cake i caught him putting tnt in it, the only person eating that cake is mr. creep (creeper_4_sale: it makes the flavor explode in goodness!). says the human creeper :
  20. Happy birthday to you... Happy birthday to you... Happy birth- okay, fine, I'll stop... Whoo, three wallpapers in one day... I'm so tired... *falls asleep*
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