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About MinerBat

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  1. i think i found a way around this problem, by putting flat surfaces with the texture on them all around the block.
  2. that isn't what i mean. i did find the normal texture files, and i don't want to change the cobble texture in general because my project uses both the new and old ones, and if i would change it directly it would probably apply it to every cobble block in my project. but when you spawn a new block, you can either choose the default minecraft texture, but there is also an option "browse", which i assume you can just browse for another .png file which is the same size as the original, with player skins that is how it works anyway.
  3. do i really have to download an entire texture pack just to have the old cobble texture? i though you could just import a .png file like you do with player skins? i rather won't import an entire texture pack just for one texture to preserve space on my computer.
  4. i want the old (minecraft alpha) cobblestone texture for my project. when you import a block there is an option browse for the texture. i looked at how the textures included in mine-imator are made, they are 16x16 textures with a .png extension. so i made a 16x16 .png file myself and clicked on it in browse. however, the cobblestone block now is just a blank gray cube without texture. i have imported player skins before to make herobrine and the classic zombie pigman, and i dont get why block textures would work any different?
  5. You have the option to import a section from a world. i have used it before and wanted to use it again. but it didn't do anything because my antivirus decided it didn't like the import.exe file it started and removed it. the weirdest thing is that i used it before and then it just worked fine. but after it removed it the rest of mine-imator worked fine, i just couldn't import from a world. but when i closed the program and try to restart it it doesn't like the import.exe being gone and it doesn't want to start mine-imator again. is the import.exe file safe and if so, how do i get it back and stop the anti-virus from getting mad at it? here is the log file:
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