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Bonnie animation

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Everything posted by Bonnie animation

  1. fnaf pack Springbonnie and Fredbear download: five nights at freddys fnaf 1 rig download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/75czb7c191hkclj/fnaf+1.zip/file
  2. fnaf 1 stage renders possessed Bonnie? he simply doesn't respect the laws of physics
  3. for now they will just be renders of vanessa :] Can anyone give me lighting advice?
  4. guys, I'm working on a new fnaf pack and this is just a render with some of the models from the pack like bonnie and vanessa from the fnaf movie vanessa and bonnie freddy fazbear In addition to FNAF 1, I think I'm going to try to do other FNAFs in this style, especially the books, but here's a render of Freddy Fazbear (I really have to improve on the lighting) render by me(bonnieanimation) Well, these are just some of the renders I made to demonstrate the models that I will publish in the future, I hope you like them and share this work I'm doing
  5. Did you make this animation on mine imator, if so I'm surprised
  6. pack of models for the mine imator of withereds animatronics from five nights at freddy's 2 all together in its concerted version: I wanted to add the animatronic toys, more than Moneto, it will only be the withereds, well, I hope you enjoy the equipment, pass on the creator's word, I would also really appreciate it and feel free with the model, it's all have a good productivity donwload link:
  7. This rig looks amazing, but can you explain to me how you made this custom download button, Did you use HTML or any other programming language?
  8. (fnaf sister location) control room map rig https://www.mediafire.com/file/b0pa1hux07zf828/control+room+2.zip/file
  9. https://www.mediafire.com/file/85xch39x40bvzq9/shattered_roxanne_wolf_%28roxy%29_%282%29.zip/file Now I'm going to post all my models here
  10. Thank you, I just saw that they were making a 3d model of Cassidy and decided to make one like it in mine imator
  11. Modelo MXES v1 para meu imator Tenho muitos modelos que queria postar, e tentarei disponibilizar todos ao público download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/lfg8qm7adbox1nf/MXESzip/file
  12. I've already been there, now I'm inside your server, and I liked all the models you made, I'll continue to accompany you
  13. I was also wondering how I was going to make the neck cover, but I ended up improvising, then I'll see your Bonnie model
  14. Glamrock Bonnie from fnaf security breach Ruin
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