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Everything posted by vinnyg0621

  1. ugh! why'd it crash when opening a project? this isn't fair!! https://www.toptal.com/developers/hastebin/vujiqepehi.apache
  2. When I changed a custom model in the minecraft_unzip folder, the custom texture for it wasn't there. So now I think Mine-imator only accepts models with vanilla textures and not custom resource pack textures. Well, vanilla Minecraft does, so I don't get why Mine-imator doesn't... :/ Is there another way I can make custom textures for models in the minecraft_unzip folder? For example: a custom texture for a model is a model that isn't in the vanilla Minecraft textures. But like I said, vanilla Minecraft shows custom textures for custom models with resource packs
  3. I saw that all animated textures were 2x2 of the same texture, including the campfire, lantern, & sea lantern, but in Blockbench, it shows perfectly here's the Imgur post: https://imgur.com/a/yO3j4FU
  4. Mine-imator crashes when loading a Minecraft world with a worldgen datapack. I really like using William Wythers' Overhauled Overworld, or the New Vanilla datapack, but Mine-imator seems to crash... is there any way to load a world with a custom worldgen datapack into Mine-imator? I really like the new overworld better ;( crash report: https://hastebin.com/raw/udemezokus
  5. it's actually true. and the Mine imator forums are really strict as it locks your account when you enter the wrong password only 2 times and it only lets you have limited reactions a day! D;
  6. here's the crash report: ___ Mine-imator log ___ In your bug report, include this full log, along with instructions how to recreate the bug. If the issue concerns a specific animation, upload its folder as a .zip. 17:40:01 mineimator_version: 1.2.7 17:40:01 gm_runtime: 17:40:01 YYC: yes 17:40:01 working_directory: C:\Users\vinny.DESKTOP-HD3PDS0\OneDrive\Desktop\Mine-imator 1.2.7\ 17:40:01 file_directory: C:\Users\vinny.DESKTOP-HD3PDS0\AppData\Roaming\Mine_imator\ 17:40:01 OS: Windows 17:40:01 os_version: 393218 17:40:01 os_is_network_connected: yes 17:40:01 os_get_language: en 17:40:01 os_get_region: US 17:40:01 USERDOMAIN: DESKTOP-HD3PDS0 17:40:01 USERNAME: vinny 17:40:01 USERPROFILE: C:\Users\vinny.DESKTOP-HD3PDS0 17:40:01 APPDATA: C:\Users\vinny.DESKTOP-HD3PDS0\AppData\Roaming 17:40:01 NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS: 4 17:40:01 PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE: x86 17:40:01 PROCESSOR_IDENTFIER: 17:40:01 PROCESSOR_LEVEL: 23 17:40:01 PROCESSOR_REVISION: 1100 17:40:01 video_adapter_subsysid: 148312104 17:40:01 udid: 57699896-8267-4718-a7f9-0ef0dff9dd8f 17:40:01 video_adapter_vendorid: 4098 17:40:01 video_d3d11_context: 03902FC4 17:40:01 video_d3d11_device: 03901D9C 17:40:01 video_adapter_deviceid: 5597 17:40:01 video_adapter_sharedsystemmemory: 2163277824 17:40:01 video_adapter_revision: 197 17:40:01 video_adapter_description: AMD Radeon(TM) Vega 3 Graphics 17:40:01 video_adapter_dedicatedsystemmemory: 0 17:40:01 video_adapter_dedicatedvideomemory: 2131623936 17:40:01 Old log found 17:40:02 External library init 17:40:02 External library: Data\file.dll 17:40:02 External library: Data\movie.dll 17:40:02 External library: movie init 17:40:02 External library: Data\window.dll 17:40:02 External library: Data\math.dll 17:40:03 Open URL: https://www.mineimatorforums.com/index.php?/forum/51-mine-imator-issues-and-bugs/ 17:40:03 Open URL: C:\Users\vinny.DESKTOP-HD3PDS0\AppData\Roaming\Mine_imator\log_previous.txt 17:40:04 working_directory: C:\Users\vinny.DESKTOP-HD3PDS0\OneDrive\Desktop\Mine-imator 1.2.7\ 17:40:04 Trying to save files 17:40:04 surface_save OK 17:40:04 texture_create OK 17:40:04 file_delete_lib OK 17:40:04 Create vertex format 17:40:04 Shader init 17:40:04 shaders_are_supported: yes 17:40:04 shader_distort compiled: yes 17:40:04 shader_ca compiled: yes 17:40:04 shader_high_light_desaturate compiled: yes 17:40:04 shader_noise compiled: yes 17:40:04 shader_vignette compiled: yes 17:40:04 shader_color_correction compiled: yes 17:40:04 shader_blur compiled: yes 17:40:04 shader_add compiled: yes 17:40:04 shader_high_bloom_threshold compiled: yes 17:40:04 shader_color_glow compiled: yes 17:40:04 shader_high_ssao_depth_normal compiled: yes 17:40:04 shader_high_ssao_blur compiled: yes 17:40:04 shader_high_ssao compiled: yes 17:40:04 shader_high_light_sun compiled: yes 17:40:04 shader_high_light_spot compiled: yes 17:40:04 shader_high_light_point_shadowless compiled: yes 17:40:04 shader_high_light_point compiled: yes 17:40:04 shader_high_light_night compiled: yes 17:40:04 shader_high_light_apply compiled: yes 17:40:04 shader_high_fog_apply compiled: yes 17:40:04 shader_high_fog compiled: yes 17:40:04 shader_high_dof_coc_blur compiled: yes 17:40:04 shader_high_dof_coc compiled: yes 17:40:04 shader_high_dof compiled: yes 17:40:04 shader_high_aa compiled: yes 17:40:04 shader_replace compiled: yes 17:40:04 shader_draw_texture compiled: yes 17:40:04 shader_depth_point compiled: yes 17:40:04 shader_depth compiled: yes 17:40:04 shader_color_fog_lights compiled: yes 17:40:04 shader_color_fog compiled: yes 17:40:04 shader_color_camera compiled: yes 17:40:04 shader_border compiled: yes 17:40:04 shader_blend compiled: yes 17:40:04 shader_alpha_test compiled: yes 17:40:04 shader_alpha_fix compiled: yes 17:40:04 Loading legacy file 17:40:04 Make transitions 17:40:05 Transitions OK 17:40:05 Loading language file: C:\Users\vinny.DESKTOP-HD3PDS0\OneDrive\Desktop\Mine-imator 1.2.7\Data\Languages\english.milanguage 17:40:05 Windows startup 17:40:05 Found key_file: C:\Users\vinny.DESKTOP-HD3PDS0\OneDrive\Desktop\Mine-imator 1.2.7\Data\key.midata 17:40:06 Loading settings: C:\Users\vinny.DESKTOP-HD3PDS0\OneDrive\Desktop\Mine-imator 1.2.7\Data\settings.midata 17:40:06 load_format: 28 17:40:06 Render init 17:40:06 Loading Minecraft assets version: 1.16.1 17:40:09 Archive already unzipped, re-using: C:\Users\vinny.DESKTOP-HD3PDS0\AppData\Roaming\Mine_imator\Minecraft_unzip\1.16.1\assets\minecraft\ 17:40:09 Model textures: load 17:40:13 Model textures: done 17:40:13 Block textures: load static 17:40:14 Block textures: load animated 17:40:15 Block textures, blocksize: 16 17:40:15 Block textures: static block surface 17:40:15 Block textures: static block preview 17:40:15 Block textures: animated block surfaces 17:40:15 Block textures: animated frames 17:40:15 Block textures: animated block preview 17:40:15 Block textures: find static block depths 17:40:15 Block textures: find animated block depths 17:40:16 Block textures: done 17:40:16 Item textures: load 17:40:17 Item textures: surface 17:40:17 Item textures: done 17:40:17 Particle textures: load 17:40:17 Particle textures: legacy sheets 17:40:17 Particle textures: done 9:01:24 Saving block previews: C:\Users\vinny.DESKTOP-HD3PDS0\OneDrive\Desktop\Mine-imator 1.2.7\Data\blockpreview.midata 9:01:25 Loaded assets successfully 9:01:28 Ground vbuffer init 9:01:28 Resetting project 9:01:28 Destroying instances 9:01:28 Project resetted 9:01:28 Show popup: startup 9:01:31 Using the latest assets 11:30:32 Opening project: C:\Users\vinny.DESKTOP-HD3PDS0\OneDrive\Desktop\Mine-imator 1.2.7\Projects\Primitive craftology (Minecraft)\Primitive craftology (Minecraft).miproject 11:30:32 load_format: 32 11:30:32 Resetting project 11:30:32 Destroying instances 11:30:32 Project resetted 11:30:32 save_folder: C:\Users\vinny.DESKTOP-HD3PDS0\OneDrive\Desktop\Mine-imator 1.2.7\Projects\Primitive craftology (Minecraft) 11:30:32 load_folder: C:\Users\vinny.DESKTOP-HD3PDS0\OneDrive\Desktop\Mine-imator 1.2.7\Projects\Primitive craftology (Minecraft) 11:30:36 Project loaded 11:30:42 Loading .schematic: C:\Users\vinny.DESKTOP-HD3PDS0\OneDrive\Desktop\Mine-imator 1.2.7\Projects\Primitive craftology (Minecraft)\Piece of Primitive craftology (Minecraft).schematic 11:30:42 Size: { { 241,190,58 }, } 11:30:42 Version: 1 11:31:10 Saving settings: C:\Users\vinny.DESKTOP-HD3PDS0\OneDrive\Desktop\Mine-imator 1.2.7\Data\settings.midata 11:40:47 Backup: C:\Users\vinny.DESKTOP-HD3PDS0\OneDrive\Desktop\Mine-imator 1.2.7\Projects\Primitive craftology (Minecraft)\Primitive craftology (Minecraft) 11:40:47 Saving project: C:\Users\vinny.DESKTOP-HD3PDS0\OneDrive\Desktop\Mine-imator 1.2.7\Projects\Primitive craftology (Minecraft)\Primitive craftology (Minecraft).backup1 11:40:47 save_folder: C:\Users\vinny.DESKTOP-HD3PDS0\OneDrive\Desktop\Mine-imator 1.2.7\Projects\Primitive craftology (Minecraft) 11:40:47 load_folder: C:\Users\vinny.DESKTOP-HD3PDS0\OneDrive\Desktop\Mine-imator 1.2.7\Projects\Primitive craftology (Minecraft) 11:40:48 Project saved 11:40:48 Backup saved 11:40:49 Show popup: modelbench 11:41:00 Add resource: model 11:41:00 filename: Crafted door.json 11:41:00 Action Load resource: action_bench_model, C:\Users\vinny.DESKTOP-HD3PDS0\OneDrive\Documents\Minecraft json models\Crafted door.json 11:41:01 Action: action_bench_create 11:41:01 Created: model 11:41:03 Action: action_tl_select 11:41:05 Action: action_tl_frame_pos 11:41:07 Undo: tl_value_set 11:41:08 Action: action_tl_frame_pos 11:41:17 Action: action_tl_frame_rot_xyz 11:41:18 Action: action_tl_frame_rot 11:41:20 Undo: tl_value_set 11:41:22 Action: action_tl_frame_rot 11:41:27 Action: action_tl_frame_pos 11:41:31 Action: action_tl_frame_pos 11:41:34 Action: action_tl_deselect_all 11:43:08 Opening particles: C:\Users\vinny.DESKTOP-HD3PDS0\OneDrive\Desktop\Mine-imator 1.2.7\Particles\Default spawner.miparticles 11:43:08 load_format: 31 11:43:08 save_folder: C:\Users\vinny.DESKTOP-HD3PDS0\OneDrive\Desktop\Mine-imator 1.2.7\Projects\Primitive craftology (Minecraft) 11:43:08 load_folder: C:\Users\vinny.DESKTOP-HD3PDS0\OneDrive\Desktop\Mine-imator 1.2.7\Particles 11:43:08 Particles loaded 11:43:15 Saving project: C:\Users\vinny.DESKTOP-HD3PDS0\OneDrive\Desktop\Mine-imator 1.2.7\Projects\Primitive craftology (Minecraft)\Primitive craftology (Minecraft).miproject 11:43:15 save_folder: C:\Users\vinny.DESKTOP-HD3PDS0\OneDrive\Desktop\Mine-imator 1.2.7\Projects\Primitive craftology (Minecraft) 11:43:15 load_folder: C:\Users\vinny.DESKTOP-HD3PDS0\OneDrive\Desktop\Mine-imator 1.2.7\Projects\Primitive craftology (Minecraft) 11:43:15 Project saved 11:43:15 Show alert: Project saved!, , 84 11:43:15 Saving settings: C:\Users\vinny.DESKTOP-HD3PDS0\OneDrive\Desktop\Mine-imator 1.2.7\Data\settings.midata 11:43:17 Opening particles: C:\Users\vinny.DESKTOP-HD3PDS0\OneDrive\Desktop\Mine-imator 1.2.7\Particles\Default spawner.miparticles 11:43:17 load_format: 31 11:43:17 save_folder: C:\Users\vinny.DESKTOP-HD3PDS0\OneDrive\Desktop\Mine-imator 1.2.7\Projects\Primitive craftology (Minecraft) 11:43:17 load_folder: C:\Users\vinny.DESKTOP-HD3PDS0\OneDrive\Desktop\Mine-imator 1.2.7\Particles 11:43:17 Particles loaded 11:43:19 Saving settings: C:\Users\vinny.DESKTOP-HD3PDS0\OneDrive\Desktop\Mine-imator 1.2.7\Data\settings.midata 11:43:19 Opening particles: C:\Users\vinny.DESKTOP-HD3PDS0\OneDrive\Desktop\Mine-imator 1.2.7\Particles\Smoke.miparticles
  7. Then I'm just gonna quit the Mine imator forums. I'll just use something else
  8. well, one thing I made was a train from the Cart Livery/Railcraft mod
  9. So, how or where do I get Minecraft 1.16 assets? I saw someone post Minecraft 1.16 in the forums with Mineimator. Please don't downvote, again. Downvoting is not deserved
  10. Hey guys. Right now I'm wondering why we only can use limited reactions a day... Why isn't there an unlimited number of reactions we can use a day? We don't need this! Please don't downvote, downvoting this is NOT deserved
  11. Oh, I thought the Minecraft in mios would look like an animated Minecraft.
  12. Animal Crossing: New Horizons is coming out on March 20th, and the wait is painful! Anybody who likes Animal Crossing should be excited for this! :D




    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cryptic Runner

      Cryptic Runner

      so i can only comment about games other than animal crossing? wow that kinda sucks man

    3. vinnyg0621


      Actually, you can! I didn't mean to say that...

    4. vinnyg0621


      Animal Crossing New Horizons will BLOW my mind! 8D

  13. This is very cool. But, can you make the second one where the actual Minecraft works? Thanks.
  14. No, it's not hi-tech, it just happened itself... when no-one's there, mysterious stuff happens! ? So that's why we put cameras
  15. I don't know what happened... but this was my mysterious footage, where the cash register was mysteriously pressing '305' and printed a receipt... I checked for the receipt at the café and it wasn't there... https://youtu.be/BzIdSi-s9rY
  16. oh ok, good. thank you for moving it to the right subforum Why did some people downvote my order???
  17. vinnyg0621

    New order

    Hi! I would like to order a cash register model made from modelbench, please! Here's what I want it to look like! If I don't receive the order in no time, I'll just make one for myself!
  18. This is just a picture of me being bored and waiting.
  19. Yes, that's right, anything imaginable can be created in MI and MB, right?
  20. No, I didn't know that... But how???
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