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Everything posted by EQuiAndCie

  1. Hello everyone! I'm posting this, one of my versions of a music video that worked well in 2016. I speak obviously about "shut up and mine", the video being of quality rather exceeded in view of our time, I thus had fun to remake it by adding my small key but by keeping entirely the music which is just magnificent. I hope that you will like this version, as much as I enjoyed making it. Wishing you a good day. EQuiAndCie https://youtu.be/6A7sWRsy6jY
  2. If one day you find this "Intelligent Person", don't hesitate to edit the post :3 For the moment I think we'll stop writing here, otherwise the modos will become super Saïyan :3
  3. For me, it takes 5 minutes to launch the software and land in the startup screen... It's not only the rendering that would help, but for all the rest ...
  4. Good Morning, everyone, I take the liberty of posting this message to find out if you plan to update Mine-Imator for people with multi-treads on their pc configuration. I'm currently on a 16-core AMD and I couldn't help noticing that the software only runs on one processor... I let you imagine that it's so ram, since my processor is not designed for this purpose I guess I'm not the first nor the last, but just to know if you were planning to do it or if I had to switch to another software, despite my many hours on this one... In any case, thanks for this software ! Have a nice day.
  5. Or a zone in the schematic where we can modify as we see fit.... I don't know after all, creators have only impressed me since the creation of mine-imator. But don't stay focused on it, the editable schematics are only secondary in my opinion. If there would be the glow selection it would have been quite a lot I think!
  6. I'm just proposing! He managed to find a way to put a "general" glow so I thought why not! At least we would be fixed!
  7. Hello, I'm new to the forum but I've been a mine-imator for a while now Following the update of 1.2.0, I suggest: A selective glow system ( basically, we can modify the intensity of each block to which we put glow) because currently we are forced to modify all the glows... which is a pity for me. example: such glow is at 250% and this one at 100% And if possible, what I would be surprised about for the moment: A system to be able to modify our schematics block by block. But I believe it's average because we're already quite a bit behind with the maj of the doors, hatches... With all due respect and support EQuiAndCie
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