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EnderFrameStudios TM

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Everything posted by EnderFrameStudios TM

  1. Hey I think I slept in again

  2. My mission is complete. My one true purpose of serving the Emperor has been fulfilled. The Teritorus Sailor was destroyed, so here I am. Floating into the abyss of the cosmos, everything i have done, every decision, every moment I spent on the battlefield fighting for my people has lead to this. Dithering around in this infinite universe only for all my sacrifices to be forgotten, and left Drifting Away
  3. bravo! bravo! may you recieve all the upvotes! but seriously, how do you do the skirts?
  4. I'd say I got better at lighting
  5. did i miss anything?


    1. Fox Miner

      Fox Miner

      A lot actually, try to stick up, with the newest stuff that's going around,

      @niam FINNALY made a full Bendable privat model

      @LacaMenDRY is back

      @FOXY TOONS has depression and might stop on the forums for a while

      And I have decided to make a Five Nights at Freddy's Security Breach showcase,

      Hope I got you to the newest.

      BTW Mine-imator 2.9.1 is out, but I think you noticed!

  6. ayo im back AGAIN


    bet you didn't miss me

    1. Fox Miner

      Fox Miner

      Well to be honest I did miss you, I always thought where you were, but after a time I thought you left completely! Well glad to have you back!

    2. LacaMenDRY


      Ayo! Yes I do.

    3. EnderFrameStudios TM

      EnderFrameStudios TM

      oh wow, thanks

      i never knew i was missed, its nice to know people think of you when you're gone

  7. yo im back, ya miss me?




    probably not



      I was wondering

    2. LacaMenDRY


      I was not in the Forums for a while too, So Guess I didn't know the answer.

  8. when in modelbench it looks like this but when i import it it looks like this the vest and head detail textures are messed up if anyone has any ideas on how to fix this please tell me
  9. i saw this episode, and i couldn't help but think of this


  10. the rigs great but the facial expressions a little weird
  11. oYnn-gaH6scKPMEUc6dtamW6zyOn0i2WSqbG92ft7heCSmktABi8_sekK84EngiV4nWfRE5UOcjQHz72FkDRXSbrddGSQDwoqiosBrmVCpaPu4UTSAWl2JJolTHhmiK-enfjuRptC8sEVlzIG0OIetng7lVuBGMDjR_EAsfAXo8mrPjEX0nlevmoMprZxu1sRWTrb6ZuCMwKXY3a3YGDI-CpFLAl-lmD0kLo-VvUn3qmZDMC3KXEt2h4C0BmS7HfGkTzDNXZMaGGPEC3VObYlq3WgamCYUQjsYL56IEUsOFXJOGKKBdaMuvC3_PObc8QfQvju4yGWUAOA2BUHLcKQ0_fCHgseqrKh2xGFEkgEzWwrwaV1nB2cTTY-OgFFcqLKWaMhfPsX4E-0d4VBDNfQieChBnwA9AWiiLyr7aRMz8IAexEuew4zh1Kx99WM4z3GcDR3i72kxY03QrJYHPbmQw0KBdO0yDMvZlzqXHXlvg6ioFCriSXlydvtmkb2d_mdGZopnmMuXcWV0Q220UGk_58HXJ_WnlaSexUWJdGRi_AMJroiW09hZve3zKV70WT7X9jtYz2jRejgmi8BdNLzU9BQ3nrxEAK17U6PGcb7s8wjyfCqnsXYPYHvCLjSbNzDvPVPh0RXOvWttvrpFNA0Tj1QvLzVL9zsV6m9bGy9qn61h0EmdjIDUmNhpydz2ozlFd53uz4EuA407XedjYzpAQ=w381-h200-no?authuser=0

    1. LacaMenDRY


      People Are gettin Weirder everyseconds I refresh my homepage.

    2. EnderFrameStudios TM

      EnderFrameStudios TM

      you think a decappuccino is weird?

    3. LacaMenDRY


      No. Just Random People in here posted a Random Unreasonable Status update without Context. 

  12. *GASP* HE'S HEROBRINE!!!?!!??!!!?????!!!??!?!?!!?
  13. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the latest developments in exo-skeleton technology The Heartbreaker! comes with a variety of different helmets
  14. this is amazing, i mean, this is beautiful
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