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About amanzepd

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  1. amanzepd

    Supah.exe Rig

    This is a rig i made of supah.exe because i like his content and he's a pretty good animator so i just made a rig here's the Download:http://www.mediafire.com/file/pw3ogh6g82y6rl2/supah+exe.miobject pics:https://imgur.com/gallery/5FgwqxI i know some things arent right but i tried my best to make this rig using nimis facial rig
  2. ok i dont know if this is related to the problem this topic is talking about but when ever i open a new mine imator project the textures appear all purple and black and i have to manually go into my files and load textures like the ground and th sky and such and when i ever want to load somthing like a horse or zombie nothing will appear i dont know why its happening
  3. i don't have mincraft PC but i think its working now
  4. this was a random skin i decided to rig and i just uploaded it for the heck of it. i'm sorry i don't know much about mine imator posting. i'm not very good at animating things, i'll see what i can do about the title thing you are screaming about but i'm happy to get any feedback at all. sorry about any errors and thank you for commenting.
  5. so here's my first rig im giving to the public. it was a random skin i rigged it a bit unorganized and yeah download:http://www.mediafire.com/file/3orh0dgmfbma8ps/random+stripped+boi.miobject pics:https://imgur.com/l4TwYH0
  6. heres my skin: http://www.minecraftskins.com/skin-editor/ . i dont know how tolink it so just copy the link into tghe search engine and it should direct you to my skin (add username plz
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