(Art by mbanders)
Hey guys, I'm here to surprise everybody with the first ever mod for Mine-imator 2.0, which I call the...
Continuation Build
The main purpose of this mod is to provide continued Minecraft support and bugfixes to Mine-imator now that official development is discontinued. But do also be on the lookout for kewl new quality-of-life features I may slip in now and again.
Please enjoy it!
Download (Windows x64 .zip): https://www.mediafire.com/file/5bkjcw5y244k2tu/Mine-imator_2.0.2_Continuation_Build_1.0.8.zip/file
Please note that this mod has not been compiled or tested outside of Windows x64.
The source code is available here in case any real modders wanna compile this for other systems (or build their own mods on top of this).
Version 1.0.8 (December 4th, 2024), changes since 1.0.7:
Holding right-click while group-selecting in the timeline will now move the selection area.
Updated Minecraft assets to 1.21.4 - The Garden Awakens.
Reorganized biome list.
Fixed animatable blocks in scenery having their positions set to 0,0,0.
Fixed some wind-affected blocks not being properly anchored to the block above/below them.
Fixed more cases of timeline marker duplication when importing assets.
Fixed timeline scrolling vertically while setting a region.
Older changelogs: