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Everything posted by Wimsly

  1. Does anyone know about red vs. blue? well to celebrate season 15 and the anniversary of rooster teeth i made this image: Edit: No Edit: if you don't know RvB then you wont get it...
  2. Two criticisms: Even if you are not good, or you are just starting... put effort into it. Spend time, re-watch it and if it is bad remake i Keep repeating that until you have something good Also if you ever want a good rep i recommend making a new account and abandoning this one
  3. i was just testing for a series, tell me what you think, not about the lighting and stuff like that, just the reloading and shooting of the glock. Expect more shooting tests soon.
  4. i know its bad but this was my first image in a while so, give me a break, or don't because that is a stupid thing to say. I'm trying to incorporate editing into my images and stuff.. and yes the posing and lighting is terrible. Edited: UnEdited:
  5. this was my first post in a long time i hope you guys enjoy and welcome me back into the community
  6. This is my first rig so i'm expecting a lot of criticism... but i'm okay with that and want to learn more about rigs!( ) So here is an image of me holding it: I hope you guys like it! Download:
  7. Yeah I'm a vet I joined in late 2015.. Well I'm not really a vet I have been here for half a year kek
  8. Offtopic: agreed ontopic: 1: well ok I'll work on my lighting in general 2: he is actually holding on to the valkyrian statue... If I ever remake this ill have him standing on top of this instead 3: well ummm... Ok. 4: I don't really know I just had them face the camera... Maybe they were taking a screenshot as a group. 5: um... I don't see any... Like post a photo zoomed in on them 6: sunset 7: like I said... If I ever remake this... I'll add more people Honestly depends on if they are fighting or taking a screenshot to show the group, or whatever... Like maybe I'll add James rustles, sato, fit, sun_wukon, torogadude, maybe even (shudder) Rusher
  9. i actually got a schematic of fort wrath for this image. pretty cool!
  10. i was making an image for me and my friends and it just is appearing as this link to image
  11. Testing camera shake... gun movements and reacions hope you enjoy
  12. ima join and i can make schematics and im decent at animating
  13. Great... I finished it but I didn't make the paper go out far enough... And better than that I forgot to save the project... eh.... ill enter it anyways well here is my entry ENJOY IT
  14. here is my series of relaxing pictures that could be used as a desktop wallpaper, im using the 1st one as mine. http://prnt.sc/cbou0t http://prnt.sc/cbot0k http://prnt.sc/cboubq
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