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  1. Upvote
    Dannyboi got a reaction from toaster7 for a status update,   
  2. Upvote
    Dannyboi reacted to HeYoNia for a status update, Looking through my old posts at 3 AM, perhaps one of the biggest mistakes a human cou   
    Looking through my old posts at 3 AM, perhaps one of the biggest mistakes a human could ever make.
  3. Upvote
    Dannyboi got a reaction from TwoToRule for a status update, Looking through HeYoNia's old posts at 3 AM, perhaps one of the funniest decisions a   
    Looking through HeYoNia's old posts at 3 AM, perhaps one of the funniest decisions a human could ever make.
  4. Upvote
    Dannyboi got a reaction from 9redwoods for a status update, Looking through HeYoNia's old posts at 3 AM, perhaps one of the funniest decisions a   
    Looking through HeYoNia's old posts at 3 AM, perhaps one of the funniest decisions a human could ever make.
  5. Upvote
    Dannyboi reacted to HeYoNia for a status update, Motivational sentence of the day "Charlie bit my finger"   
    Motivational sentence of the day
    "Charlie bit my finger"
  6. Upvote
    Dannyboi reacted to mbanders for a status update, Hi Danny.   
    Hi Danny.
  7. Upvote
    Dannyboi got a reaction from BOOMmaker for a status update, 5 years.   
    5 years.
  8. Upvote
    Dannyboi reacted to tditdatdwt for a status update, thank you for being awesome   
    thank you for being awesome
  9. Upvote
    Dannyboi reacted to Voxy for a status update, Alright, I think it's best to just put all my thoughts in one place to make things cl   
    Alright, I think it's best to just put all my thoughts in one place to make things clearer.
    I didn't really expect that revealing the new icon in a joke post would cause such a reaction. I initially dismissed it because, to be honest, the icon is a low priority for me, as there's a lot of stuff that still needs to be worked on to get the upcoming update ready, which is also why I wasn't very open to feedback, as I would much prefer to focus on getting feedback about the UI. I realize that was the wrong approach to the issue, hence why I'm writing this.
    Another reason is that the branding is a little different to how I planned it going forward. While currently, the icon and logo are sort of stuck together, I decided to separate it all out into three distinct bits: logo, icon, and mascots. I don't plan on changing that, they will remain separate.
    What is going to change is the icon itself. A recurring bit of criticism about the logo is that it doesn't feel related to Minecraft anymore. When I designed it, I just focused on making it readable. I tried to make it belong with the rest of the branding using evocative colors and shapes, but in the end, it appears that it lost too much character and ended up less appealing. As we speak, I'm currently working on a first iteration for a new design, which will hopefully tie-in with the program and the game it's based on:

    This new design is rather popular with the Mine-imator staff, and I hope it will be for the rest of you too. If there are any ideas or improvements you'd like to share, feel free to.
    Lastly, I'd like to apologize for my unprofessional and rude attitude. The rocky launch of Modelbench made it clear that transparency was important when it came to wanting to change how people use your program, but I hadn't realized that the icon would've been part of that too. I'll be sure to learn from that mistake and I hope we can move forward and work together in this next big step in the history of Mine-imator.
    Take care, y'all. ✌️
  10. Upvote
    Dannyboi reacted to FrostBytes for a status update, thank you for being awesome   
    thank you for being awesome
  11. Upvote
    Dannyboi reacted to LacaMenDRY for a status update, Next Engine Of MI When I became A Next Developer. Obviously If I pro enough at coding   
    Next Engine Of MI When I became A Next Developer. 
    Obviously If I pro enough at coding, etc. But If I get to that point, I will have a big project that is Remake Mine-Imator In Unity Engine. But I don't know this is happening or not. This is just a concept that I make/Design for Mine-Imator 2.0. Whether In Gamemaker Studio 4,Or Unity so here it is:

    So This is the farther Version, But This is predictions. I love predictions and I have little bit skills on prediction depends on the information I got. 
  12. Upvote
    Dannyboi reacted to Ethaniel for a status update, I hate my life, I hate my kids, and I hate my wife!   
    I hate my life, I hate my kids, and I hate my wife!

  13. Upvote
    Dannyboi reacted to Hozq for a status update, Goodbye mr hacker man, you tried to hack your way to success, but to no avail. ? F   
    Goodbye mr hacker man, you tried to hack your way to success, but to no avail. ? F
  14. Upvote
    Dannyboi got a reaction from 9redwoods for a status update, Remember   
  15. Upvote
    Dannyboi got a reaction from TwoToRule for a status update, Sorry for the double status. I thought I should note that Laskomet may be the fastest   
    Sorry for the double status. I thought I should note that Laskomet may be the fastest human ban from the first warning. It took 50 minutes to ban him. Reza Chaniago Hartono W. Walandouw Singh Khafadi was the previous record with 1:20. He may still be the fastest ban from the moment he joined, however.
  16. Upvote
    Dannyboi reacted to PigmanMovie for a status update, I wanted to take time to think about what I just post yesterday, I came to a conclusi   
    I wanted to take time to think about what I just post yesterday, I came to a conclusion that I owe you guys an apology.
    While I still stand against my own opinion, I do however wanted to owe you guys an apology for all of you who didn't want to see this part of me, I mean that's what I did multiple times in school.
    I understand that some people that think that this topic is controversial, and so I wanted to apologies to all of you guys for being too bias, maybe you guys didn't want that, and I understand that people will disagree with me, in fact, I expect 95% of you guys will disagree with me when I post that.
    I owe you guys an apology, I also wanted to thank you to all people who agreed and disagreed with me and discuss their reasoning in good manner. I said 2 times in the post that I didn't want to start a flame wars, instead I encourage discussion about your own opinions and choose whether you agree or not and move on, that's all I wanted from the beginning.
    I'm still the same person as I was 2 days ago. The only thing that is different is my own belief and opinion, that's what makes me humans, I stand up to what I believe in and understand that my action will makes some people offended, that's what I did in school multiple, I have the right to freely express my own opinion and how I feel about them, but I understand if you don't want to see that part of me.
    Anyway, I'm still gonna make some family friendly content, because some of my feeling are still family friendly-ish.
    Also my friend made a memes about it and I think they're pretty funny.
    And yeah, I apologize, I promised I will never discussed about it again, because I'm already satisfied by the reply, like what I was expecting.
    Edit: I posted that because I wanted to challenge people to think about my own opinions from my perspective, I wasn't intending to offend anyone, I just wanted to see your opinions instead of starting a flame war.
  17. Funny
    Dannyboi reacted to HeYoNia for a status update, #WeWantNSFWForTheMine-Imator I'm not responsible for you taking this seriously.   
    I'm not responsible for you taking this seriously.
  18. Downvote
    Dannyboi reacted to Benji for a status update, Remember kids, burn the government, eat the rich.   
    Remember kids, burn the government, eat the rich.
  19. Upvote
    Dannyboi reacted to Mineshaft Animation for a status update, Oldest sister tests positive for COVID19. She’s in the hospital right now in Californ   
    Oldest sister tests positive for COVID19. She’s in the hospital right now in California and won’t be coming back to Texas til all this blows over for a while now.
  20. Upvote
    Dannyboi reacted to Mineshaft Animation for a status update, Check it out @MineRig . Fort Worth Police department skin for the Ford Explorer. Sadl   
    Check it out @MineRig. Fort Worth Police department skin for the Ford Explorer. Sadly due to strict copy right laws I am not allowed to use the actual name for animations so I had to use a name I created when I made that highway rain wallpaper. Anyways, more to come to it soon.Then I will put it out for release on the skin pack. Custom lightbar too btw.
    Main reference:

    The skin I created:

  21. Upvote
    Dannyboi reacted to Spontaneous Explosions for a status update, Are people seriously Coronavirus is the end of the world or something? I mean, it's d   
    Are people seriously Coronavirus is the end of the world or something?
    I mean, it's death toll isn't anywhere near the amount that the flu kills on a yearly basis. It's got about a 96% recovery rate. It's not worth the panic that is looming over the world. Seriously, why don't things get delayed and canceled for the flu? 
    Bernie Sanders said, "Casualties May Be Even Higher Than What Armed Forces Experienced in WW II".
    Yeah, and maybe deaths caused by slipping on banana peels at the top of stairways will exceed the deaths of WWII.
    The news and stuff are saying things like, "Oh no, this virus is so bad, they can't even contain it!".
    What viruses can we contain?! If that were a thing, do you think the common cold would still be around? Certainly not, nor would the flu or any other common sickness.
    Anyway, this thing is being blown way way out of proportion. I expect it'll be over by the end of April if not sooner.
  22. Upvote
    Dannyboi got a reaction from Aronanners for a status update, Ah, what a lovely day where absolutely nothing happened on the Mine-Imator forums.   
    Ah, what a lovely day where absolutely nothing happened on the Mine-Imator forums.
  23. Upvote
    Dannyboi got a reaction from Cryptic Runner for a status update, Remember   
  24. Upvote
    Dannyboi got a reaction from Mineshaft Animation for a status update, Remember   
  25. Upvote
    Dannyboi got a reaction from Mineshaft Animation for a status update, Ah, what a lovely day where absolutely nothing happened on the Mine-Imator forums.   
    Ah, what a lovely day where absolutely nothing happened on the Mine-Imator forums.
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