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Project Elytra

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Everything posted by Project Elytra

  1. I'm pretty sure I heard about it on Facebook or something
  2. well

    i've been dead for 5 months

    Where was I?

    on random websites

    i eventually forgot about this site

    then I saw a rig on the net and I kept on remembering this site.

    then I wanted to come back, and so did I.


    holy crap i can't believe how I acted before



    1. Mafa Animations

      Mafa Animations


      holy crap i can't believe how I acted before

      I probably was the worst piece of shit on the forums back in the day, probably the stupidest one xD

    2. Project Elytra
  3. <i was gonna strikethrough something but i dont know how to strikethrough using bbcode and I have 1302 notifications>

    ....how long have I been dead? .-.

  4. ...Thank you for the tip. (Atleast maybe I'll edit my next wallpaper less or not even edit it at all) ...but srsly I get nervous when I see someone comment on this
  5. yes i know it was kinda rushed--did you just say I just put polka dots? I did some more edits than that.
  6. Edited with paint.net Schematic made by Skjold Unedited:
  7. Ask @Frossa. (You can only change your name once, though)
  8. I was always crashing a few minutes after startup when I was using 1.0.4, then I found this. Thank you!
  9. really, one mistake...








    (no don't mention that stat update it will make me cry, one mistake, and i'm done for.

    but no one is perfect, deal with it <_<)


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Skjold


      By the way.. How did you follow yourself..? twice...

    3. Project Elytra

      Project Elytra

      glitch, I followed myself using an alter account, then followed the alter account. Then accounts merged, thus making me look like I followed myself twice


    4. Project Elytra

      Project Elytra

      (Actually same for people who sees me follow them twice, follow with alt account then follow with original. .-.)

  10. ((Just because Memeka is a dark clone of Tokime doesn't mean she is evil. *iknowsomepeoplenormallymightthinkthatMemekaisevilbutyeahiwasquiteoffended*)) ((and i not gonna be online for a while too..edit mistaken ))
  11. ((Wait for it, waaaaiiiiit fooooor iiiiiit......)) Memeka: I am not Tokime. I am her dark clone, Memeka Sakura. ((Yay!!!!!!!!!)) Memeka: But for now, I have done my part. Farewell. *disappears* ((Need to go in real life, see ya guys, off for a bit!))
  12. ((Errors and errors, please wait.)) Name: Memeka Sakura Nickname: (If needed.) Meme/Memeka Age: 14 Species: Human Gender: Female Home Location: Lives with Tokime Abilities: Same as Toki Powers: Same as Toki Inventory: Same as Toki, but less food and water. Appearance: Almost same as toki, instead with black-and-purple hair, purple eyes, black shirt and skirts, dark-purple boots. Backstory: Revealed later, like Toki's. Cons: (If needed.) Toki dies, she dies. The time-reversing is up to Toki. ((Bit rushed and the copypaste was messed up. )) A different voice spoke, and said "No, you're mistaken." ((No, if my OC isn't accepted, forget that the arrows tinted with black even hit them, or even appeared))
  13. Arrows tinted with black were suddenly seen hitting some of the walkers' heads. ((Formformform!!! Justtellme!!!))
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