Reputation Activity
_Direkt got a reaction from geotrax2001 in I took down my topic since the only thing you guys were doing was COMPLAINING. MY god
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_Direkt reacted to ÜberKiller in I took down my topic since the only thing you guys were doing was COMPLAINING. MY god
Welcome to the Mine-imator forums, where the userbase is friendly*, helpful**, and always willing to pay it forward***
* Userbase may or may not actually be friendly
** Users may not offer help but instead just criticize content
*** Users may not actually do anything else other than complain. Your experience may vary
_Direkt got a reaction from ÜberKiller in During a project Student: I like to use Comic Sans *eye twitches* Me:Ok?
What's the matter, kid?
Ya don't like me?
_Direkt got a reaction from Ethaniel in During a project Student: I like to use Comic Sans *eye twitches* Me:Ok?
What's the matter, kid?
Ya don't like me?
_Direkt reacted to Skjold in welp, the entirety of skype just took a massive dump on servers. everyone appears as
Same. Skype's being idiotic for everyone.
_Direkt reacted to Mooshim in welp, the entirety of skype just took a massive dump on servers. everyone appears as
Lord save our souls.
_Direkt got a reaction from Keep on Chucking in Finally fixed those stupid point lights, Old:
in the words of soldier: ahhh... much better..
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