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MobKiller Animations

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Status Updates posted by MobKiller Animations

  1. I need ideas for test animations

  2. I don't know what to animate ?

    1. Draco63


      Idk either, that's why I don't animate.

    2. LacaMenDRY


      I know either,That's why I do Animate.

  3. What did I miss?

    1. Fray


      no clue, its been a while since ive been on here

  4. Just pointing it out now, I'm getting waves of nostalgia from visiting your profile after all this time.

    1. -StickyMations-


      Welcome back MobKiller 

  5. When was the last time I have been on here 0_o

  6. 21st Birthday Today!!
    No, I'm not gonna go out drinking.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ian_The_One


      drink tea no shugar

    3. Fray



    4. TwoToRule


      You can vote now!


      Not that you couldn't before.

  7. Wow... been a while since I've been on here.


  8. Been a little bit since I've been on here, looking for something to do. Anyone got any ideas I could try like animation tests, rigs, wallpapers .etc

    1. Fray


      Hmmm, you should do wallpapers, 

      try some like fighting wallpapers or something... idk

    2. Mehradcraft


      I love you man?

  9. I need more ideas to work on then fighting animations, I mean their good to watch but get kinda repetative if my whole channel is mostly that kind of stuff.

    1. Aronanners


      Try a slower-paced animation, putting an emphasis on cinematography and character movement in a different sense than a fighting animation would typically focus on? Perhaps throw some dialogue in there too?

    2. Extro


      Try animating some structural moves with weapons to see which one you like most

    3. Simon G. Andersen

      Simon G. Andersen

      Do some narrative animations! Here you get the chance to make up your own stories, and use your creativity like never before!?

  10. I've noticed that my animations are mostly at the same speed for different stuff.

    Any tips to possibly make the speeds more dynamic?


    Just in case you missed it ;)


  12. I think I'm at a point where I desperately want to know what it takes for me to become a better Mine-imator animator. Any suggestions?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MobKiller Animations

      MobKiller Animations

      Considering I have a minute over 20 minutes long of me not completeing something might be saying something. And that same thing being from 2014-2015

    3. BOOMmaker


      If I remember right, I think  you're a great animator! :D 

    4. Ninja Dino

      Ninja Dino

      Study animation. Here's some books you might find useful, and that I would personally recommend.




      Also just keep practicing, but practice correctly. Try to figure out what you could improve in every single one of your animations, try other styles of animation, mimic real life movement in your animations, study other great animations and animators.

      But probably the most important part about practicing is to challenge yourself with something hard every time you practice. This is probably the most important part of growing your skill as an animator. Animating difficult things is what expands your animating part of your brain and it's what really improves your skill. Think of it like this, if a weight lifter were to only bench press 100 pounds everyday then would he improve? Obviously no, body builders always increase the amount of weight they lift because eventually their muscles get stronger and the weight they're currently lifting would be too light for them and their progress would plateau. So they challenge their muscles every time they go to the gym to become bigger and stronger. Animating is the same. After you feel pretty comfortable with animating a particular thing, then try animating something else that's more challenging. Try more complex character movements, or try animating that one thing that you've always sort of avoided because you know you just can't do it. If you do that then you will start improving at a very fast rate.

      I hope this helped you, and good luck trying to become a better Mine-Imator animator.

  13. Where would speedarts of a wallpaper go?

    1. BaconSandwich


      I would put it in the same post as the wallpaper, in the wallpaper section.

  14. I had a wonderful birthday today, going to have a bigger party on saturday. But, it's nice to be 20 years old and still find fun in Mine-imator and other things in life.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. -StickyMations-


      Oh heck, 20 years old!? Happy birthday, it's nice to still have you around. 

    3. Allemn
    4. YoshiHunter
  15. I'm looking for a test I could do, I just did some fight tests and a parkour collab entry the other day so maybe I can get a idea or too?

    1. Slime
    2. jakubg1


      Maybe mining a block. I failed, good luck if you take that hard challenge!

  16. Is anyone here experiencing problems with YouTube. I got a 500 server error and a Monkey with a Wrench. Just checking

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MobKiller Animations

      MobKiller Animations

      Weird, I thought that Net Neutrality took over or something along the lines of that.

      More or less a "Oh, Crap" moment.

    3. Progio


      yeah thats what i thought to xD

      Freakin FCC

    4. Bugleberry


      It happened a while ago on my channel, I thought I was there ternemated or something like that.

  17. Just in case you missed it:


  18. And thus, with the final step out of the room and waiting for the last ride home semester.
    My summer vacation has started.
    1. -StickyMations-


      Boi that's cool, I just wish I could say the same :L

      Do you have any projects in mind for your summer vacation? Or are you just gonna enjoy it as much as you can? 

    2. MobKiller Animations

      MobKiller Animations

      Little bit of both, I want to get a summer job at a fishing or outdoor place. And plus there is my upcoming series... (you didn't hear it from me)

  19. Just in case you missed it


  20. 4 years on the forums.. feels good and yet so weird.

    I got something later on as well.

    Thanks for a good 4 years everyone!!

  21.  Just thought i might put this out here, just in case someone missed it.

  22. 19th Birthday, feels like any other day of the year. Except we somehow advance in age.

    1. lifecraft


      Happy B_DAY!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. Kwazedilla
    3. OfficialCUYT


      have some seeds

  23. Finally got my braces off after 5-7 years. Man feels great

    1. Kwazedilla
    2. Enchantek


      I'll get mine off in a few months or so.

    3. Shadow


      I have to wait 8 months to a year to get them off



  24. Man, i have a REALLY bad habit of not finishing collab entries.

    1. Slime


      Eyy, same here. But to me, its with EVERYTHING.

    2. Kwazedilla


      feels bad man

    3. willingsas


      Nobody really gives a crap anyways.

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