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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/04/22 in Posts

  1. Time for my yearly Creeper birthday celebratory render! (even though I'm two days late, whoops!) This time however, I've decided to try a more unique concept; making a render that is ridiculously tall in size because why not. So here you go, a ridiculously tall 768 x 8,192 render featuring a bunch of my Cursed Creepers to celebrate the Creepers' 13th birthday! Hopefully they've got a good sense of balance... (Open the image in a new tab for a better view!)
    4 points
  2. Hello everyone! Today marks the 10th anniversary of Mine-imator, and with the second phase of 2.0 just around the corner in September with Pre-release 5, I've revealed 7 of the biggest features coming on our Twitter page. But just in case you haven't seen them, I'll show them below. These features have been in development since 1.2.6 was released and were originally going to be in Pre-release 1 but we decided to release the new engine and importer by itself first to get it stable in the first pre-releases. Now without further ado, the true potential of 2.0... A full view of 2.0's new interface system, Inventory Custom render settings in projects Bezier curves/custom transitions Paths (cool rollercoaster video) Anti-aliasing improvements Materials and reflections (+ PBR resource pack support) (video) Inverse Kinematics As you can see, with 2.0 being the last major update David and I have involvement in, I wanted to go out with a bang and cover as many bases as possible. We're still grinding out the last serious bugs before Pre-release 5 comes out (...with more bugs ), so I hope you're looking forward it, there's a lot to mess around with! However (since not many people are aware), volumetric fog/light rays will not be coming to Mine-imator, you can read more about that here. Now despite that, before I go, I want to say thank you for the support I've received recently and to everyone else that's donated to @david and I, we couldn't have made this update as legendary as it is without everyone's support. /Nimi
    2 points
  3. Here is the tricks Sorry for my bad English Here is the whole pic for keeps
    1 point
  4. hi, well i'm testing some models of dany fox's fnaf mod, hope you like the renders, maybe i can do more dany fox channel : https://www.youtube.com/c/DanyFox
    1 point
  5. More images: Boeing B-29 Superfortress "Atomic Tom" in Realistic style. Features: Full exterior. Control surfaces (aileron, elevator, rudder, wing/engine flaps). Defensive turrets. Bomb bay doors. Undercarriage (landing gears). Undercarriage and wing flaps animation preset. Atomic bombs included. I want this!
    1 point
  6. an Upcoming redesigned M60E4 machine gun animation. Sounds from Call of Duty, some sounds are edited with audacity. For more information, go to YouTube.
    1 point
  7. This is fixed in pre-release 5 coming next month
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. I don't have the project anymore.
    0 points
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